During my PhD study and the writing of this journal paper: https://aars-ajg.org/journal.php?paper=AJG-2208005
I used bash scripts and Python scripts (inside ArcGIS Desktop) to help process decades-long hundred layers of Remote Sensing data. This is a repository sharing all key functions with comments and explanations. I hope it helps other researchers/students who have similar needs. And boy was ArcMap and arcpy package difficult to work with.
I might have missed some important functions in this repository, feel free to explore it with new Bing or ChatGPT or something else. Feel free to submit a pull request if you have better suggestions for this README file. Thanks and hope it helps!
Function Name | Description |
MEAN | Averages input rasters and saves result to a new file. |
MAX | Finds the maximum value from input rasters and saves result to a new file. |
SUM | Sums input rasters and saves result to a new file. |
rename_NDVI | Renames NDVI layers by appending the month and year to the file name. |
conformation_NDVI | Sets null values outside the valid range and rescales the values. |
NDVI_speical | Renames NDVI layers by appending a salt value and creates a dictionary of monthly maximum values. |
linear_slope | Calculates the linear slope of a trend on a set of rasters. |
rename_gsmap | Renames GSMaP layers by appending the month and year to the file name. |
check_GSMaP | Removes GSMaP layers that have invalid minimum values. |
date_range | Returns a set of the unique years found in the input data. |
check_data_gaps | Finds the gaps in time between two datasets. |
refresh | Refreshes the active view in ArcMap. |
collection_by_time | Groups rasters by year or month depending on the specified time unit. |
temporal_pearson_correlation | Calculates the temporal Pearson correlation between yearly max NDVI and [Apr, May, Jun, Jul] sum GSMaP. |
extract_yearly_DN_to_points | Extracts yearly NDVI and KBDI data values to the extraction points. |
extract_monthly_DN_to_points | Extracts monthly NDVI and KBDI data values to the extraction points. |