NASA Apod shows the astronomy picture of the day by fetching the data from the Official NASA API . You Can view different date's APOD.
First, clone the repository with the 'clone' command, or just download the zip.
$ git clone
Then, download either Android Studio or Visual Studio Code, with their respective Flutter editor plugins.
Install dependencies from pubspec.yaml by running flutter packages get
from the project root .
Change the Api key in the api_key.dart
file . Get your apikey from here for free Official NASA API
There you go, you can now open & edit the project. Enjoy!
- http: Http requests
- shimmer: Shimmer effect
- cached_network_image: Image Cache
- google_fonts: Google fonts
- provider: Provider for theme
- path_provider: App doc dir
- hive_flutter: Listenable hive box
- hive: Storing theme mode
Fork and add new features and send a pull request .