College Flow is an exciting web application tailored for the vibrant CUNY community. It serves as a dynamic marketplace connecting talented students with businesses and individuals seeking their expertise. Similar to Fiverr, College Flow empowers students to showcase their skills and land freelance gigs, all within the CUNY ecosystem.
- Salif Tankoano
- Affiliation: Lehman College
CUNY students, this is your platform to shine! College Flow enables you to unleash your skills and tap into freelance opportunities. Whether you're a creative, programmer, marketer, or anything in between, this platform is your gateway to showcase your talents and secure independent contracting gigs within the CUNY community.
Slogan: Where talented businesses and students bloom together.
- Small Local Business Owners & Individuals: Those in need of talented independent contractors to realize their ideas and projects.
The motivation behind College Flow is to promote the skills and capabilities of CUNY students on a national scale. By providing a dedicated marketplace, students can showcase their talents effectively, attracting potential clients and opportunities.
- Clients: Businesses and individuals seeking talented students for freelance projects.
- Students: CUNY students offering their skills and services.
- View the landing page
- Sign up or sign in with email and password
- Browse categories in the marketplace
- Place orders
- Message students
- Like listings
- Access account to view orders
- Create listings
- Access orders
Check out these helpful video resources for building and understanding various aspects of the platform:
- WebRTC in 100 Seconds // Build a Video Chat app from Scratch
- Build A Group Video Chat App In 15 Minutes
- 10 Best Payment Gateways
- Create landing page mockup
- Set up GitHub repository
- Implement Navbar
- Integrate Background slider
- Incorporate college slider
- Purchase domain and host the application
- Add value proposition section on landing page
- Introduce categories
- Design logo
- Finalize landing page
- Develop Sign up/ Sign In pages for students & clients UI
- Integrate Firebase for sign-in/sign-up functionality
- Create Client dashboard
- Implement freelancer dashboard
- Add payment method
- @headlessui/react
- @heroicons/react
- dotenv
- firebase
- flowbite
- flowbite-react
- formik
- nanoid
- react
- react-dom
- react-router-dom
- react-select
- yup
Feel free to explore the codebase and contribute to making College Flow an even more vibrant and effective platform for CUNY students and their clients!