This Serverless project helps customers simplify their operations by generating automated CloudWatch dashboards for AmazonMQ. The Amazon Lambda generates dashboards on a specified interval.
Generates predefined dashboards containing specific metrics that would be useful to monitor brokers and associated queues and topics.
The root or main dashboard named AmazonMQ contains all brokers in a given region. Supports both single instance and Active/Standby brokers.
For each broker, the app automatically enumerates all queues and topics.
For each queue/topic, the dashboard generated shows the useful metrics.
All dashboards are generated every 30 minutes, capturing any new brokers, queues or topics created in the past 30 minutes.
This repository includes all code necessary.
Generates CPU, HeapUsage and StorePercentage alarms for all brokers.
Generates No consumer alerts for queues and topics.
If you are deploying from Serveless Application Repository, just deploy directly.
If you are cloning the repo from github, use the following commands:
sam build --template mqdashboard.yaml
sam package --template-file mqdashboard.yaml --output-template-file packaged.yaml --s3-bucket <s3 bucket>
sam deploy --template-file packaged.yaml --stack-name <YOUR STACK NAME>
After deploying the application in a given region, the root dashboard is named AmazonMQ-
Once you click on the root dashboard, it shows all brokers in that region.
For each broker, if you click on the link takes you to another dashboard that lists queues and topics and shows useful charts for the broker.
For each queue/topic, if you click on the link shows useful charts for that object.