Welcome to my Arsh Goyal's Crack Your Placement Challenge for next 45 days practice journey! I'm dedicating 45 days to mastering Data Structures and Algorithms, aiming to enhance my skills for internships and placements. Each day, I tackle a set of problems. Follow along for updates and insights into my progress!
- ✅ Find the Duplicate Number
- ✅ Sort Colors
- ✅ Remove Duplicates from Sorted Array
- ✅ Set Matrix Zeroes
- ✅ Move Zeroes
- ✅ Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock
- ✅ Chocolate Distribution Problem
- ✅ Two Sum
- ✅ Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock II
- ✅ Find All Duplicates in an Array
- ✅ Container With Most Water
- ✅ 3Sum
- ✅ Majority Element
- ✅ Valid Parentheses
- ✅ Print all the duplicate characters in a string
- ✅ Find the Index of the First Occurrence in a String
- ✅ Longest Common Prefix
- ✅ Maximum Points You Can Obtain from Cards
- ✅ Jump Game
- ✅ All Unique Permutations of an array
- ✅ Valid Palindrome II
- ✅ Integer to Roman
- ✅ Generate Parentheses
- ✅ Simplify Path
- ✅ Reverse Words in a String
- ✅ Print Anagrams Together
- ✅ Climbing Stairs
- ✅ Maximum Product Subarray
- ✅ Counting Bits
- ✅ Unique Paths
- ✅ Minimum Path Sum
- ✅ Coin Change
- ✅ Climbing Stairs
- ✅ Maximum Product Subarray
- ✅ Counting Bits
- ✅ Unique Paths
- ✅ Minimum Path Sum
- ✅ Coin Change
- ✅ Subarray Sums Divisible by K
- ✅ Subarray Sum Equals K
- ✅ Game of Life
- ✅ Spiral Matrix
- ✅ Basic Calculator II
Let's connect on LinkedIn or GitHub to discuss algorithms, tech interviews, and more! LinkedIn
#DSA #DataStructures #Algorithms #Coding #PlacementPreparation #InternshipPreparation #leetcode-solutions #problem-solving #dsa #crackyourplacement #crackyourinternship #arsh-goyal #dsasheetbyarsh #45dayschallenge