Ruby gem to support INTERLNK/INTERSVR communications.
Ruby class/gem to handle INTERLNK/INTERSVR communications, to communicate with DOS machines.
- Supports client-side communications (emulates INTERLNK)
- Supports serial channel type over TCP transport (for use with e.g. VirtualBox serial ports)
- Able to read lists of available drives, names and specifications of the drives
- Provides an IO-compatible object to perform IO against
- Basic caching functionality to avoid transfering data over slow links as much as possible
- Actual serial port support
- Parallel port support
- Support baud rates other than 115200
- Support server-side communications (emulate INTERSVR)
- More graceful error handling, should retry rather than giving up in many places
require 'interlnk'
# connect to INTERSVR over a TCP serial port (e.g. to VirtualBox)
interlnk =
transport: Interlnk::Transport::Tcp,
channel: Interlnk::Channel::Serial,
connection_info: {host: 'localhost', port: 5000}
drives = interlnk.drives
p drives
interio = drives['C'].interio
# can now use interio just like you would a file, likely hooking it up to a FAT library
YARD docs included, also available on