Hex-escaper is used to escape the Hex code and vise-versa and also Encode Decode text into Hex and vise-versa. In PCRE Regex we have broke the hex code into pair of pieces and escape them with \x (Legacy escape-sequence for hex) to match the pattern. It is very useful & comes to handy once you debugging hex code for Regex (PCRE)
Need two arguments to run the script.
Please use the hex value in double quotes! :D
./hexescaper Option Hex
./hexescaper -e "735f796172612d72756c65736574"
-e Escape_hex
-r Reverse_hex_escape
-d Double_escape - (escape the escape)
-dr Reversed_double_escape
-we White_escape
-wre White_reverse_escape
-w Just_white space b/w hex
-E Encode_hex - (Convert)
-D Reverse_hex - (Decode)
shan@exploit:~$ ./hexescaper.sh -e "68657865736361706572"
Hex value escaped!
shan@exploit:~$ ./hexescaper.sh -r "\x68\x65\x78\x65\x73\x63\x61\x70\x65\x72"
Hex value reversed the escape!
shan@exploit:~$ ./hexescaper -d "\x68\x65\x78\x65\x73\x63\x61\x70\x65\x72"
Hex value escape the escaped!
shan@exploit:~$ ./hexescaper -dr "\\x68\\x65\\x78\\x65\\x73\\x63\\x61\\x70\\x65\\x72"
Hex value reversed the double escape!
shan@exploit:~$ ./hexescaper.sh -we "68 65 78 65 73 63 61 70 65 72"
Hex value with whitespace is escaped!
shan@exploit:~$ ./hexescaper.sh -wre "\x68\x65\x78\x65\x73\x63\x61\x70\x65\x72"
Hex value reversed with whitespace!
68 65 78 65 73 63 61 70 65 72
shan@exploit:~$ ./hexescaper.sh -E "hexescaper"
Converted the text to hex!
shan@exploit:~$ ./hexescaper.sh -D "68657865736361706572"
Reversed the hex to text!
The hex values not have been validated it is hex or not, so if you give correct input it will give you the correct output!