lftp--file--upload | Creates directory in remote server the same as in the local and get the files into them instead of uploading all files in same directory.
"For MAN page use -m [help command]"
./lftp_file_uplader.sh -u Username -p 'Password' -h Host -f path_to_remotefile.txt"
lftp -f script_file
mput [-c] [-d] [-a] [-E] [-e] [-P N] [-O base] files
Upload files with wildcard expansion. By default it uses the base name of local name as
remote one. This can be changed by `-d' option.
-c continue, reput
-d create directories the same as in file names and put the files into them
instead of current directory
-E delete source files after successful transfer (dangerous)
-e delete target file before the transfer
-a use ascii mode (binary is the default)
-P N upload N files in parallel
-O <base> specifies base directory or URL where files should be placed