bloop v1.3.1
Bloop is a build server and CLI tool for the Scala programming
language developed by the Scala
Bloop v1.3.1
is a bugfix release for v1.3.0
Upgrade guide 📥
These are only the upgrade steps. If you don't have bloop installed, you
must read the installation instructions instead.
If you're on macOS, upgrade to the latest version with:
$ brew upgrade scalacenter/bloop/bloop
$ brew services restart bloop # Note a restart is required in case a server still runs!
If you're on Windows using scoop
, upgrade to the latest version with:
$ scoop upgrade bloop
$ bloop ng-stop
$ bloop server # in a long-running terminal session
If you're on Arch Linux, upgrade to the latest version with:
$ rm -rf ~/.bloop
$ yaourt -S bloop
$ systemctl --user start bloop
Otherwise, use the generic installation method:
$ curl -L https://github.com/scalacenter/bloop/releases/download/v1.3.1/install.py | python
$ bloop ng-stop
$ systemctl --user start bloop # or similar way to run server in a long-running session
Read the complete installation instructions in our Installation page.
Fixed Ammonite integration in CLI client
added an Ammonite integration in Bloop. Every time bloop console
is run, bloop compiles the project and then creates an Ammonite REPL
session. This integration required the cooperation of the nailgun script that
ended up misfunctioning due to a git revert
error. The bug would print the Ammonite command to run but would not actually run it.
A workaround would be to run sh -c $(bloop console $PROJECT)
, however
fixes the CLI client so that this workaround is no longer needed.
Contributors 👥
According to git shortlog -sn --no-merges v1.2.4..v1.2.5
, 1 people
contributed to this v1.3.1
release: Jorge Vicente Cantero.