Dashboard for Graphite.
Assumes you have your metrics stored in a hierarchy:
- [optional_prefix].environment.cluster.hostname.metric
It uses json based templates to specify report graphs (similar to Ganglia-web). In dashboards.json you can specify which report you want to see for which cluster(s).
Works best with Collectd 5.x and the write_graphite plugin with the following options:
- Prefix "collectd."
- EscapeCharacter "."
- SeparateInstances true
- StoreRates true
- AlwaysAppendDS true
Mobile interface:
Just copy conf_default.php to conf.php or create a new file in which you only override the settings you want/need to change.
- dashboard_domainname: Specify the URL under which you will be running Graphsky here
- use_random_graph_domainname: This will cause Graphsky to use random graph domainnames (for example: http://img18.graphsky.example.com) to speed up image loading in browsers. To disable this, set it to False. Note: If you are going to use this, make sure you have a wildcard record in your DNS for this.
- graphite_url_base: Specify the base URL for you Graphite webinterface here.
- graphite_prefix: Use this setting to specify a generic prefix of the metrics you'd like to graph. In case of Collectd metrics, this would be the same as the 'Prefix' option of the write_grapghite plugin for Collectd.
Integrate your graphs in your monitoring tool by including a graph.php link:
- http://[domainname]/graph.php?s={service_name}&c={hostgroup_name}&h={host_name}&width=1000&height=600&from=-1%20hour
Make sure you specify a "service_name" matching the service_name given by your monitoring solution in your json graph template.
Icon was made using the AndroidIcons boilerplates