Assignment for Introduction to Intelligent Autonomous Systems, 3º Year, 1º Semester, Bachelor in Artificial Intelligence and Data Science.
The aim of the project is to implement a reinforcement learning agent using the stable baselines library algorithms and test it with the open-source Python library Gymnasium on this gym environment.
The versions of the operating systems used to develop and test this application are:
- Fedora 38
- macOS Sonoma 14.0
Python Versions:
- 3.10.0
To keep everything organized and simple, we will use MiniConda to manage our environments.
To create an environment with the required packages for this project, run the following commands:
conda create -n GymEnv python=3.10 pytorch::pytorch torchvision torchaudio -c pytorch
Then we need to install the requirements:
pip install -r requirements.txt
The experiments are in this notebook.
TQC in the original environment: | TQC in the wrapped environment |
TRPO in the wrapped environment: | PPO in the wrapped environment: |