While we make every effort to ensure that material on this site is accurate and up to date, such material does in no way constitute the provision of professional advice.
The authors does not guarantee, and accepts no legal liability whatsoever arising from or connected to, the accuracy, reliability, currency or completeness of any material contained on this website or any linked site.
Users should seek appropriate independent professional advice prior to relying on, or entering into any commitment based on material published here, which material is purely published for reference purposes alone.
The two CSV files published here contain the unit prices as communicated back from provider and contributed to GIT via pull requests. The format is straight forward:
investment-datetime | issue-date | buy-value | sell-value |
2018-10-25T08:21:00+1100 | 2018-10-30 | 0.9660 |
Investment datetime is the date and time the confirmation of an investment via email. That usually happens immediately after one added a deposit via the app or shortly after a pre-schedule deposite occurred.
Issue data is the date (without the time!) the units have been issued. This is date is clearly stated within the email received from them.
Buy value is the unit price provided via email.
Yes... we know one probably will either know the buy value OR the sell value. That is fine.
Feel free to contribute to it.