This repository contains an iOS application developed using the Viper (View-Interactor-Presenter-Entity-Router) architecture. Additionally, it includes unit tests for the application and utilizes the Coordinator and Builder components.
The project is organized as follows:
- UnitTest_VIPER_Example: Main project folder
- UnitTest_VIPER_Example: Main application source code
- UnitTest_VIPER_ExampleTests: Folder containing unit tests
- ...
- Open a terminal and navigate to the project folder.
- Go to the UnitTest_VIPER_ExampleTests folder.
- Run the command
xcodebuild test -scheme Viper_Architecture_ExampleTests -destination 'platform=iOS Simulator,name=iPhone 13'
to start the unit tests.
The project utilizes the Coordinator design pattern to manage the application flow and enhance modularity.
The Builder pattern is used in the project to create objects step by step and manage the construction of complex objects.
- Xcode Version: 14.3
- iOS Version: 15.0+
- Swift Version: 4.0+
This project serves as a starting point for developers interested in learning and implementing the Viper architecture.