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Online Database Access (phpMyAdmin) .....
Visit URL:
Username: sql5462611
Password: DtMMiL2YPq
First: XAMPP (open and run)
Second: Go Into => Employee\ Commit Close and Open..........
===> XAMPP SERVER DATABASE MYSQL (Remove Commit except) #cur.execute("DROP DATABASE allah_rakha")
===> Free SQL Online Acccess (Add Commit)
Third: Database automatic create in your MySqlAdmin (Panel)
Four: Follow the ERD Diagram Schema of this HRMS Project.
1: Extract the zip file.
2: Open terminal in existing folder (current folder where these files are placed)
3: Run Command: venv HRMS_VENV
4: Run Command: python -m pip install requirements.txt
5: Run Command: ./HRMS_VENV/Scripts/activate
6: Here: Active the virtual envirnmet of Python
7: Run Command: python runserver
8: Open Local Host into your Browser Window.