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CMS Render Methods

Andrew vonderLuft edited this page Dec 4, 2024 · 1 revision


ComfortableMediaSurfer extends functionality of the render method to allow rendering of CMS pages, just like regular templates. When you have helpers/partials in place to handle instance variables set in the controller, this is incredibly powerful feature.

To explicitly specify what CMS Page needs to be rendered:

class EntriesController < ApplicationController
  def index
    @entries = Entry.all
    render cms_page: '/entries'

You can also render CMS Page implicitly. If Rails cannot find a template and throws ActionView::MissingTemplate ComfortableMediaSurfer will attempt to serve a page that matches the request URL. For example, if /entries is routed to EntriesController#index we can do this:

class EntriesController < ApplicationController
  def index
    @entries = Entry.all

If there's no index.html.erb ComfortableMediaSurfer will automatically render page with full_path /entries

You may also render CMS Layout and pass fragment content directly.

class EntriesController < ApplicationController
  def index
    render cms_layout: "layout_identifier", cms_fragments: {
      fragment_identifier_a: 'content text',
      fragment_identifier_b: {template: 'path/to/template' },
      fragment_identifier_c: {partial:  'path/to/partial' }

Take a look at ComfortableMediaSurfer::RenderMethods module too see what's going on.