This git repository contains the decompiled source code from Cartoon Network's Project Exonaut. The Unity project you see before you is an attempt to restore Project Exonaut to its working state after it was discontinued in 2014.
As of September 17, 2020, this Unity project is BARELY functional. All compiler errors have been fixed, but a lot of reverse engineering still needs to get done before the game works in the editor. Some scenes have been recreated, but others are still missing prefabs, materials, and particle systems.
Yes and no. Currently, only the tutorial and hangar are playable. Join the Discord for Exonaut Extended Support to find out more.
I have no idea. As it stands, I am currently the only one working to reverse engineer the game. My initial estimate is somewhere around May 2021. The game itself is still pretty intact, but the server logic has to be completely reversed and rebuilt, along with materials and shaders.
Yes, yes, a thousand times, yes! Open an issue and I'll tell you directly how you can contribute.
The original Project Exonaut game was made in Unity3D. According to asset browsers, the project was made between versions 3.2 and 3.5.4. The game is originally written using .NET Framework 2.0 (C# 4.0). The game uses SmartFox Server 2X as its server and client system.
Check out the Exonaut Extended Support Wiki
Check out my Trello Roadmap