BICO code is downloaded from the BICO website.
Remember to install the prerequisite libraries and tools:
The BICO project can be built by using supplied Makefile
in the bico/build
make -C bico/build
The MT project can be built with Make:
make -C mt
The k-means++ tool can be built with Make:
make -C kmeans
The GS project can be built with CMake:
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install -y ninja-build
cmake -S gs -B gs/build -G "Ninja"
cmake --build gs/build
Generate the nytimes100d
# Download file
wget \
-O data/input/docword.nytimes.txt.gz
# Perform dimensionality reduction via random projection.
export CPATH=/home/omar/apps/boost_1_76_0
export LIBRARY_PATH=/home/omar/apps/boost_1_76_0/stage/lib
make -C rp && rp/bin/rp.exe \
reduce-dim \
data/input/docword.nytimes.txt.gz \
8192,100 \
0 \
1704100552 \
Generate the nytimespcalowd
poetry run python -m -i data/input/docword.nytimes.txt.gz -d 10,20,30,40,50
Use AddressSanitizer (ASAN) to debug segfaults. ASAN can help detect memory errors at runtime.
sudo apt install libgcc-9-dev
g++ -ggdb -std=c++17 -fsanitize=address -std=c++17 -o bin/rp.exe main.cpp
pyenv install
poetry install
poetry run python -m xrun.go
Create conda environment:
conda env create -f environment.yml