I wrote this code to better understand the splaying algorithm. My goal was to find a reasonably concise and simple implementation.
As far as I know, there are two ways to implement splay trees: bottom-up, and top-down. Traditionally, the splaying algorithm is described in a bottom-up manner, but the top-down algorithm can be preferable in practice, because it does not require parent pointers (or, in the purely functional setting, a zipper).
This code currently contains three implementations:
- A bottom-up implementation
, described below, which is equivalent to the original splay algorithm. - A top-down implementation
in continuation-passing style. This code is equivalent to the original algorithm, but I've only implemented insertions so far. - A top-down implementation
, inspired by Chris Okasaki's splay heap from his book, Purely Functional Data Structures. This implementation is not exactly equivalent to the original splay algorithm.
You can run this code with SML/NJ:
$ sml splay.cm
- val keys = [9,7,5,3,1,8,6,2,4];
- structure BU = BottomUpSplay(IntKey);
- val t = BU.fromList keys;
- structure CTD = ContTopDownSplay(IntKey);
- val t' = CTD.fromList keys;
... (* Same as t. Same as bottom-up algorithm,
* but very different implementations. *)
- structure OTD = OkasakiTopDownSplay(IntKey);
- val t'' = OTD.fromList keys;
... (* Note slight difference in final structure.
* This algorithm is not exactly equivalent to
* the original splay algorithm. *)
The code in this repository operates on binary search trees of the form
datatype tree = Empty | Node of tree * key * tree
Each node contains a key and pointers to the left and right children in the tree, which recursively contain all keys respectively smaller and larger than the key.
Details of keys are in keys/
. All we really need is a comparison
function for a total order. The signature is in KEY.sig
implements integer keys.
This section describes the code in BottomUpSplay.sml
Bottom-up splay access (insert or lookup) operates in two phases.
First, we traverse the path to the desired node, and then we perform
rotations on the way back up, bringing the desired node to the root and
encouraging the accessed path to become more balanced. To implement this,
we have two functions, path
and splay
, for the two phases. The path
function returns an access path, and splay
consumes an access path to
produce a tree.
Access paths are implemented by recording, at each step, whether the next access is down-to-the-left or down-to-the-right. This produces a list of contexts, where each context is a parent node with a hole.
datatype context = Left of key * tree | Right of tree * key
: the parent isNode(_,k,R)
parent --> k / \ you are here --> * R
: the parent isNode(L,k,_)
k <-- parent / \ L * <-- you are here
By pushing elements onto the context list in the order they were accessed, the "front" of the list is always the most recently accessed element. A path is then just a list of contexts together with the subtree whose root is the targeted element. This is essentially the same thing as a zipper.
type path = tree * (context list)
For example, consider searching for y
in the following tree.
/ \ Resulting path:
x D ( subtree, context list )
/ \ = ( Node(B,y,C), [Right(A,x), Left(z,D)] )
A y
/ \
With an access path in hand, we can splay it by performing the various
cases: zig-zig, zig-zag, etc. Each of the cases consumes two elements
off the end of the access path, except for the single zig/zag cases which
finish off an odd-length path. The splay
function implements this by
accumulating two trees, a left and a right tree, which will contain all
elements smaller and larger (respectively) than the new root key.