A text based bulletin board system served over Telnet. XRM for (Extreme Remake) is my attempt to recreate and emulate one of the most popular DOS basesd BBS software with its one of a kind interface and configurability.
The system is still in very early development. You can follow the changelog in the root folder for progress updates.
Main development is current under Windows with releases planned for Linux, OSX, ARM.
Built under C++ with Boost and compiles under g++ MingW32/64 5.1.0 using latest c++14. Makefiles(2) are now added for compiling in Linux. At this time they are only tested with Ubuntu, Mint.
More items will be added on the current progress and a todo list as time permits.
- Caphood: Support, Ideas and OBV/2 guru.
- NuSkooler: Support, Awesome man who knows his stuff.
- Blocktronics: Awesome group of guys pitching in some amazing theme art!
- dingo: Telnet options and general terminal functionality, you've been a wealth of knowledge