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This is small 16-bit CPU, written in Verilog 2001.
It doesn't serve any specific purpose and was made just for fun.


RCPU has 3 addressable 16-bit registers: A, B and C. Also it has 32-bit Program Counter (PC), 4-bit Flag Register (F), 16-bit Stack Pointer (SP), 16-bit Frame Pointer (FP) and some other internal registers about which you shouldn't worry.

Addressing modes

  • Register : Simply use value from A, B or C registers. (In binary, it's 001-011. 000 - simply use 0)
  • Immediate Small : 8-bit constant is inside instruction code (See I Type instructions)
  • Immediate Big : 16-bit constant after opcode (100)
  • Absolute : Use 16-bit value at the 32-bit address, specified after opcode (101)
  • Addressed : Use 16-bit value at the 32-bit address, specified by A register and page register (110)
  • Stack : Use 16-bit value at the 32-bit address, specified by sum of 16-bit value after opcode and in FP register (111)

Addresses are little-endian, words and instructions consist of 2 bytes. Reading from odd address simply swaps bytes

Reserved port addresses

Address Size (bits) Direction Name Description
FFFF0000 8 Write LCD_DATA LCD D0-D7 pins
FFFF0001 8 Write LCD_CTRL LCD control pins
FFFF0002 8 Read SWITCH DIP switch state
FFFF1000 16 Read/Write PAGE_REG High 16 bits for addressed memory mode
FFFF101E 16 Read/Write SP Other way to access SP
FFFFF000 8 Write BPX_EN Breakpoint enable bit flags
16 Write BPX_LOW Breakpoint #X activation address low 16 bits
16 Write BPX_HIGH Breakpoint #X activation high 16 bits
FFFFF012 16 Write BPA_LOW Breakpoint handler address low 16 bits
FFFFF014 16 Write BPA_HIGH Breakpoint handler address high 16 bits
FFFFFFF6 8 Write IR_EN Infrared interrupt enable
FFFFFFF8 16 Write IR_LOW Infrared interrupt address low 16 bits
FFFFFFFA 16 Write IR_HIGH Infrared interrupt address high 16 bits
FFFFFFF7 8 Write KEY_EN Keyboard interrupt enable
FFFFFFFC 16 Write KEY_LOW Keyboard interrupt address low 16 bits
FFFFFFFE 16 Write KEY_HIGH Keyboard interrupt address high 16 bits

PAGE_REG and SP could also be accessed with @0 and @15 respectively


3 2 1 0
  • Carry flag - set if previous operation resulted unsigned overflow.
  • Negative flag - set if previous operation result is negative number.
  • Zero flag - set if previous operation result is 0.
  • Overflow flag - set if previous operation resulted signed overflow.

Instruction Set

R - register
M - memory address
I - immediate value
F - fast memory address A0, A1, A2 - arguments of instruction

A Type

0000 Source 1 Opcode Source 2 Destination
4 bits 3 bits 4 bits 2 bits 3 bits

Flags: CNZV

Opcode Syntax Description Formal Actions
0000 ADD RMI, R, RM Addition A3 <= A1 + A2
0001 ADC RMI, R, RM Addition with carry A3 <= A1 + A2 + C
0010 SUB RMI, R, RM Subtraction A3 <= A1 - A2
0011 SBC RMI, R, RM Subtraction with carry A3 <= A1 - A2 - C
0100 MUL RMI, R, RM Multiplication (32-bit) {A, A3} <= A1 * A2
0101 MLL RMI, R, RM Multiplication (16-bit) A3 <= A1 * A2
0110 SGN RMI, R, RM Set sign of value A3 <= {A1[15], A2[14:0]
0111 RAS RMI, R, RM Right arithmetic shift A3 <= A1 >>> A2
1000 LSH RMI, R, RM Left logical shift A3 <= A1 << A2
1001 RSH RMI, R, RM Right logical shift A3 <= A1 >> A2
1010 LRT RMI, R, RM Left cyclic shift A3 <= A1 <cyclic< A2
1011 RRT RMI, R, RM Right cyclic shift A3 <= A1 >cyclic> A2
1100 AND RMI, R, RM Bitwise and A3 <= A1 & A2
1101 OR RMI, R, RM Bitwise or A3 <= A1 | A2
1110 XOR RMI, R, RM Bitwise xor A3 <= A1 ^ A2
1111 NOT RMI, RM Bitwise not A2 <= ~A1

M8 Type

1000 Source H/L Destination H/L Unused
4 bits 3 bits 1 bit 3 bits 1 bit 4 bits

Flags: CNZV

   Syntax                | Description | Formal Actions

-----------------------------|-------------|-------------------- MOV8 RMI[L/H], RM[L/H] | Move 1 byte | A2[H/L] <= A1[H/L]

L/H bits specify which byte should be used, low if 0, high if 1. In case of addressing modes 101-111 if L/H is set, flip last bit of address

J Type

11 Opcode Address
2 bits 1 bit 13 bits

Flags: ----

Opcode Syntax Description Formal Actions
0 JMP M Jump to given address(relative) PC <= PC + {A1, 1'b0}
1 JMPLM Long jump to given address PC <= {PC[31:28], A, A1, 1'b0}

Before jumping PC increments at fetching cycle, so actual jump address is PC + A1 + 1

JR Type

1001 Source Unused
4 bits 3 bits 9 bits

Flags: ----

Syntax Description Formal Actions
JMR RM Jump to given address PC <= {PC[31:17], A1, 1'b0}

I Type

01 Opcode Source 1 Opcode(continue) Immediate
2 bits 2 bits 3 bits 1 bit 8 bits

Flags: CNZV

Opcode Syntax Description Formal Actions
00,0 ADDI RM, I, RM Add immediate value A3 <= A1 + A2
01,0 ADCI RM, I, RM Add immediate value with carry A3 <= A1 + A2 + C
10,0 SUBI RM, I, RM Subtract immediate value A3 <= A1 - A2
11,0 SBCI RM, I, RM Subtract immediate value with carry A3 <= A1 - A2 - C
00,1 ANDI RM, I, RM Bitwise and with immediate value A3 <= A1 & A2
01,1 ORI RM, I, RM Bitwise or with immediate value A3 <= A1 | A2
10,1 XORI RM, I, RM Bitwise xor with immediate value A3 <= A1 ^ A2
11,1 LDI I, RM Load immediate value A3 <= A2

Restriction: First and third argument (destination) should use the same addressing mode! If A1 == 0, then use SP

SI Type

0001 Source 1 Opcode Destination Immediate
4 bits 3 bits 2 bits 3 bits 4 bits

Flags: CNZV

Opcode Syntax Description Formal Actions
00 LSHI RMI, I, RM Left logical shift at immediate value A3 <= A1 << A2
01 RSHI RMI, I, RM Right logical shift at immediate value A3 <= A1 >> A2
10 LRTI RMI, I, RM Left cyclic shift at immediate value A3 <= A1 <cyclic< A2
11 RRTI RMI, I, RM Right cyclic shift at immediate value A3 <= A1 >cyclic> A2

F Type

0010 Opcode Flag 0 Immediate (address shift)
4 bits 1 bit 2 bits 1 bit 8 bits

Flags: ----

Opcode Syntax Description Formal Actions
0 JFC M, I If flag is clear, jump to address if(!F[A2]) PC <= PC + {A1, 1'b0}
1 JFS M, I If flag is set, jump to address if(F[A2]) PC <= PC + {A1, 1'b0}

Before jumping PC increments at fetching cycle, so actual jump address is PC + A1 + 2 JFS instruction is not implemented yet!

LS Type

0010 Source/Destination 1 Opcode Unused Fast memory address
4 bits 3 bits 1 bit 1 bit 3 bits 4 bits

Flags: CNZV (if LOAD)

Opcode Syntax Description Formal Actions
0 LOAD F, RM Load value from fast memory fmem[A2] <= A1
1 SAVE RMI, F Save value to fast memory A1 <= fmem[A2]

Fast memory is a register based memory, address to which is specified by @address syntax, which can be used only in LS-type commands. It is also mapped to FFFF1000-FFFF101F addresses of normal memory space

SP Type

0011 Source/Destination Opcode SVPC add
4 bits 3 bits 2 bits 7 bits

Flags: CNZV (if POP)

Opcode Syntax Description Formal Actions
00 PUSH RMI Push value to stack mem[SP] <= A1; SP <= SP - 2
01 POP RM Pop value from stack SP <= SP + 2; A1 <= mem[SP]
10 SVPC Push PC and FP to stack mem[SP:SP-3] <= PC + {A2, 1'b0}; mem[SP-4:SP-5] <= FP; SP <= SP - 6
11 RET Load PC and FP from stack SP <= SP + 6; PC <= mem[SP:SP-3] ; FP <= mem[SP-4:SP-5]
If in POP instruction 0 is used as destination, then load to flag register

Macro Instructions

Macro Actual commands
NOP ADD 0, 0, 0
HALT JMP <current address>
DWI <raw data in A1>

Some other stuff

Calling convention

Function calls are done by instructions SVPC and JMP <function> or macro CALL <function>. Instruction SVPC saves PC and FP to stack (in order of "PC.h, PC.l, FP", so addresses are "SP, SP-2, SP-4"). Before function call arguments should be pushed to stack in C-language style (from last to first). In the function body arguments are accessed by [8], [10], [12], etc. and local variables by [0], [-2], [-4], etc. Function result should be placed in A or A:B or in memory address, specified by A:B register pair. Function returns by RET instruction (SP should point to the same address as at the start of function). After function call SP should be incremented by arguments size (usually by ADDI instruction).


All output ports return 0 on reading, while writing to input ports does nothing. LCD_DATA and LCD_CTRL are ports for controlling character LCD display. SWITCH is a port for reading signals from DIP switch, located on PCB (returns numbers from 0 to 15) PAGE_REG is a port which provides high 16 bits for address, when addressed mode is used (because A register has only 16 bits, not 32). Also it is in fast memory at address @0 INT_EN, INT_LOW and INT_HIGH are ports for controlling keyboard interrupts. BPX_EN, BPX_LOW, BPX_HIGH, BPA_LOW and BPA_HIGH are ports for controlling breakpoint interrupts. There also is port SP, which is projection of SP register on memory


There are infrared remote and keyboard interrupts which are rising only if corresponding interrupt enable register (FFFFFFF6/7 respectively) is set. Register is set after writing to it non-zero value and reset after writing 0. (But as all output ports it returns 0 on reading) When keyboard key is pressed, control jumps to address, stored in interrupt address register (Addresses FFFFFFF8-B and FFFFFFFC-F), pushes key scan code (or IR key number) and saves ABC, PC and FP registers to stack (in order of "C, B, A, PC.h, PC.l, FP", so addresses are from SP to SP-11). So inside of interrupt looks like a simple function (except for need to explicitly pop registers ABC at the end of interrupt).


Breakpoints are memory addresses which rise an interrupt when CPU try to access them. There can be 4 hardware interrupts, which are specified and enabled by FFFFF000-FFFFF017 ports. Address where control jumps is specified by FFFFF018-FFFFF01B ports. Interrupt argument is breakpoint number, everything else is the same, as in keyboard interrupts.

User macros

User macros are only assembler structures, so they don't appear in final result. They serve only as syntax sugar and can be replaced by normal assembler language instructions. User macros are simply macros defined by user, or inline functions, if you wish. Syntax is:

#defmacro <name> [<parameter types list>]

Parameter types are simply comma separated list of types, which are the same, as specified in instruction set tables, so all possible types are r, rm, rmi, i. In macro body parameters can be used as an argument for instruction (if it supports type of that parameter) by using $ sign and number of the parameter, as in $1 for first argument. After definition user macros can be used as normal macros, but with $ sign before its name. Code example:

#defmacro add32 [rmi, rmi, r, r, rm, rm] ; $add32 (int32 a, int32 b, int32 out)
    add $2, $4, $6
    adc $1, $3, $5

    MOV 1234h, A
    MOV 5678h, B
    $add32 4321h, 8765h, A, B, A, B ; results by 5555DDDD in A:B pair


PS/2 controller which I used in this project because mine was awful: My assembler for this CPU (with features described in Some other stuff section):