Intellij idea i18next support plugin
Annotates correct i18n keys:
Unresolved properties:
As well as unresolved files:
References to Json object:
References to plural values:
Missing translations
Gets turned on by 'Enable partially translated keys inspection' configuration option
I18nPlugin provides navigation from key to its declaration in Json resource
and to partially resolved keys:
- extract i18n translation from plain text
In the case of a single translation matching to given key the translation displayed as a hint (Ctrl + hover):
(File->Tools->I18n plugin configuration)
Default namespace
Configure up to 100 default namespace translation files. Multiple default namespaces separated by comma, semicolon or whitespace:
first;second third,fourth
will resolve translations in files first.json, second.json, third.json, fourth.json
Extract translation sorted by key
When set, key extracted in json or yaml file is inserted in sorted (by key) position
Enable partially translated keys inspection
When set, warns when key exists in some translation files and is missing in another; suggests 'Create missing translations' quick fix
- Javascript & Typescript
- react-i18next
- Vue
- Vue Single File Components - supported annotations and code completion. References navigation, hints - not supported because of Intellij IDEA platform limitations.
- Php