Sketch to read pulses from pulse meter; Only accepts a pulse change if the signal has been stable for more than x seconds; Only sends message to gateway after more than x seconds have passed since sending last message; Pulses are assumed to equal 1 liter of water
- Author Sandor Incze & Michel Schilthuizen
- Created 2016-05-29 Version 1.0
- Created 2018-01-28 Version 1.1 *Mysensors 2.0+ Compatible)
Based on the flow reader sketch "WaterMeterPulseSensor" by Henrik Ekblad Copyright (C) 2013-2015 Sensnology AB Full contributor list:
During testing in can be handy to be able to set the values in domoticz; You can do this by using the REST request below: (replace x.x.x.x and deviceid by relevant numbers
This sketch was designed because of the enormous amount of false interrupts we received from the TCRT-5000 And is a modified version of the isrcounter.c we found for the same radio module used with a raspberry.
- Follow wiring instructions here: