Yet another view engine based on hyperscript and virtual dom.
In Flaco, the base unit, component, is just pure functions which should be deterministic and easy to test. You can then use any combinator (aka higher order function) to give more specificity (perhaps loosing the purity or statelessness) to your components and embrace the UI architecture you prefer (stateful components, Elm or Redux like architecture, observables, etc)
Ah, and Flaco is about 2kb minified and gzipped while providing a wide range of features, difficult to beat (that is about 400 lines of source code) !
yarn add flaco
npm install --save flaco
If you wish to benefit from JSX syntax, tell your transpiler to use the h pragma instead of the default "createElement" set for React in most of the module bundlers.
import {h} from 'flaco';
export const HelloWorld = ({hello = 'Hello', world = 'World'} = {}) => (<h1>{hello} ... {world} !</h1>);
Or if you don't want to use JSX and keep the vanilla JS syntax
import {h, NA} from 'flaco';
// NA stands for "No attributes" replace by an object if you wish to pass some attributes
export const HelloWorld = ({hello = 'Hello', world = 'World'} = {}) => h('h1', NA, `${hello}...${world}`);
Flaco come with built in convenient functions for standard HTML Elements:
import {h1} from 'flaco';
export const HelloWorld = ({hello = 'Hello', world = 'World'} = {}) => h1(`${hello}...${world}`);
Having a component is pretty useless if you don't put it anywhere. For that, you can use the mount function
import {mount} from 'flaco';
import {HelloWorld} from './hello.js';
mount(HelloWorld, {hello:'Buenas dias', world:'mundo'}, document.getElementById('someContainer'));
// or mount(<HelloWorld hello='Buenas dias', world='mundo'/>,{},document.getElementById('someContainer'));
Note the mount function is curried so you can somehow reuse it to mount it in different places for example
const mountInFrench = mount(HelloWorld, {hello:'Bonjour', world:'monde'});
If the node you try to mount your component in has already a dom tree, flaco will try to hydrate the dom tree. It means that with flaco you can have progressive web app without changing a single line of code !
Without any doubt, you will want the user to interact with your shiny user interface and you will need somehow to manage application states. Flaco itself does not make any assumption on how to do it but provide few combinators (higher order function for your components) to create common patterns. They are shipped with the core module but don't worry with any good module bundler (like Rollup) you'll be able to tree shake the parts you don't use (and anyway the full Flaco lib remains probably one of the smallest UI library you may know)
In some cases, you don't need the state of a particular component to be managed globally or shared. Only the component itself, should be aware of its own encapsulated state and able to edit it. That could be a collapse/expanding section for example.
To create such behaviour you can use the withState combinator: it will create a scope specific to a component instance and allow it to update itself (by passing an update function as second argument to your component)
import {withState, h} from 'flaco';
const ExpandableSection = withState((props, setState) => {
const {sectionId, expanded, children} = props;
const exp = expanded === 'true' || expanded === true;
const toggle = () => setState(Object.assign({}, props, {expanded: !exp}));
return (
onClick={toggle} aria-expanded={exp ? 'true' : 'false'}
{exp ? 'Collapse' : 'Expand'}
<div aria-hidden={String(!exp)} id={sectionId}>
We have now a "reusable component" you can mount anywhere, share across projects, etc.
import {mount} from 'flaco';
import ExpandableSection from './expandable.js'
mount(() => (
<ExpandableSection sectionId="first" expanded="true"><strong>Expanded</strong> by default
<ExpandableSection sectionId="second" expanded="false"><strong>Not expanded</strong> by default
Note you can have multiple apps in the same document. However you should make sure updates and models are in their isolated silos.
Flaco allows you to hook yourself into different life cycles of the components. This is useful to create your own update logic and your own combinators.
Will occur when a component has been mounted into the DOM
Will occur when a component has been unmounted (ie removed from the DOM)
Will occur before the component is updated (it won't be triggered when the component is mounted)
The lifecycle combined with the update factory will be useful to create your own update logic
You can create a combinator which will force the update every second for example.
import {onMount,onUnMount,h,mount} from 'flaco';
const main = document.getElementById('main');
const pollEverySecond = function (comp) {
return function (initProp) {
let timer;
const createInterval = onMount(vnode => {
const updateFunc = update(comp, vnode);
timer = setInterval(() => {
updateFunc(Object.assign({}, initProp, {timestamp: Math.floor(}));
}, 1000);
const clean = onUnMount(() => clearInterval(timer));
return clean(createInterval(comp));
const DisplaySeconds = ({timestamp, startDate, event}) => <p>
<strong>{Math.floor(timestamp - startDate.getTime())}</strong> seconds have passed since <strong>{event}</strong>
const Clock = pollEverySecond(DisplaySeconds);
mount(() => <div>
<Clock startDate={new Date(1987, 4, 21)} event="I was born"/>
<Clock startDate={new Date(1955, 8, 27)} event="My Mom was born"/>
</div>, {}, main);
See Codepen;
yarn test
or npm test
Any bug or troubleshooting need to come with an isolated running example (ex: a codepen reproducing your issue only - we don't need the whole app) or will simply be ignored.