- Authentication
- Login using Username and Password
- Google Authentication
- CRUD - Create, View, Edit and Delete Articles
- Install and Start MongoDB server locally (or online):
- Set the following environment variables:
- Windows:
SET SNEHIL_BLOG_PORT=<desired port number>
- Example:
- Example:
SET SNEHIL_BLOG_LIVE_URL=<live url of project with above port number (no trailing slash)>
- Example:
SET SNEHIL_BLOG_LIVE_URL=http://localhost:4000
- Example:
SET SNEHIL_BLOG_MONGODB_URL=<url at which mongodb is running (no trailing slash)>
- Example:
- Example:
- Linux:
export SNEHIL_BLOG_PORT=<desired port number>
- Example:
export SNEHIL_BLOG_PORT=4000
- Example:
export SNEHIL_BLOG_LIVE_URL=<live url of project with above port number (no trailing slash)>
- Example:
export SNEHIL_BLOG_LIVE_URL=http://localhost:4000
- Example:
export SNEHIL_BLOG_MONGODB_URL=<url at which mongodb is running (no trailing slash)>
- Example:
export SNEHIL_BLOG_MONGODB_URL=mongodb://
- Example:
- Windows:
npm install
npm start
EJS, Node.js, Express.js, MongoDB, Mongoose.js, Passport.js, HTML, CSS, JS