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Artifactory Gatekeeper plugin

For information about the Artifactory Gatekeeper plugin, see the Snyk user docs, Artifactory Gatekeeper plugin.

Local development

Running artifactory locally

You can run artifactory pro with docker compose. There are a few steps needed to set it up:

Step 1: Initialise the file system

Start up the containers:

docker compose up

That will initialise the system files at distribution/docker.

Step 2: Point Artifactory to the DB

Ctrl+C out of the containers and edit the DB configuration in distribution/docker/etc/system.yaml:

        type: postgresql
        driver: org.postgresql.Driver
        url: "jdbc:postgresql://postgres/artifactory"
        username: artifactory
        password: password

Run docker compose up again. The application should start at localhost:8082, you can log in with username admin and password password.

Step 3: Enable the license

Artifactory pro license is required to run the plugin. You can get a trial one for free by signing up at JFrog website. Paste the license in you artifactory.

There! You have an artifactory pro running locally. Time to install the Snyk plugin.

Installing the plugin

Build the plugin first with mvn install -DskipTests. Then unpack the release into artifactory's plugins folder:

unzip -o distribution/target/ -d distribution/docker/etc/artifactory/

Set your Snyk org ID and API token inside distribution/docker/etc/artifactory/plugins/ and restart Artifactory. Check the logs to confirm the plugin gets loaded.

After making changes to the plugin, repeat mvn install and extract the jar file but without touching your config:

unzip -p distribution/target/ plugins/lib/artifactory-snyk-security-core.jar > distribution/docker/etc/artifactory/plugins/lib/artifactory-snyk-security-core.jar
unzip -p distribution/target/ plugins/snykSecurityPlugin.groovy > distribution/docker/etc/artifactory/plugins/snykSecurityPlugin.groovy

Inspecting plugin logs

In order to see the logs, set the log level for Snyk by inserting this line: <logger name="io.snyk" level="debug"/> into this file: distribution/docker/etc/artifactory/logback.xml.

Testing supported ecosystems

Here are some tips for pointing local dev tools to Artifactory in order to try out the plugin.


  1. In the Artifactory UI, create a remote NPM repository using Repository Key npm.
  2. Authenticate your NPM client: npm login --registry=http://localhost:8081/artifactory/api/npm/npm/ --auth-type=web.
  3. Install a package npm add jest-get-type@30.0.0-alpha.5 --registry=http://localhost:8081/artifactory/api/npm/npm/ --cache /tmp/npm-cache && rm -rf /tmp/npm-cache


This actually uses a Gradle project to test:

  1. In the Artifactory UI, create a remote Maven repository using Repository Key maven.
  2. Drop repository coords in settings.gradle.kts of your Gradle project (see the snippet below).
pluginManagement {
	repositories {
		maven {
			url = uri("http://localhost:8082/artifactory/maven/")
			isAllowInsecureProtocol = true
			credentials {
				username = "admin"
				password = "password"
  1. Make sure the repositories block only includes your Artifactory in build.gradle.kts (see the second snippet below).
repositories {
	maven {
		url = uri("http://localhost:8082/artifactory/maven/")
		isAllowInsecureProtocol = true
		credentials {
			username = "admin"
			password = "password"
  1. Install your project's dependencies.


  1. In the Artifactory UI, create a remote Pypi repository using Repository Key pypi.
  2. pip3 install --index-url http://localhost:8082/artifactory/api/pypi/pypi/simple libdev

Ruby Gems

  1. In the Artifactory UI, create a remote Gems repository using Repository Key rubygems.
  2. Still in the Artifactory UI, navigate to the artifacts view and hit the Set me up option.
  3. Choose the rubygems repository and generate an access token.
  4. gem source -a http://admin:ACCESS_TOKEN_FROM_PREVIOUS_STEP@localhost:8081/artifactory/api/gems/rubygems/
  5. gem install openssl


  1. In the Artifactory UI, create a remote CocoaPods repository using Repository Key cocoapods.
  2. Create a Podfile:
source "http://localhost:8081/artifactory/api/pods/cocoapods"
project 'project/test/test.xcodeproj'
platform :ios, '10.0'
target 'test' do
  pod 'Alamofire', '~> 5.10'
  pod 'Bolts', '~> 1.9'
  1. pod install


  1. In the Artifactory UI, create a remote Nuget repository using Repository Key nuget.
  2. nuget sources Add -Name Artifactory -Source http://localhost:8081/artifactory/api/nuget/nuget
  3. Disable the default source: nuget sources disable -Name
  4. Verify only Artifactory is enabled: nuget sources List.
  5. nuget install Newtonsoft.Json -Version 13.0.1