Chatbot Frontend Project.
- General Info
- Technologies Used
- Features
- Screenshots
- Setup
- Usage
- Project Status
- Room for Improvement
- Acknowledgements
- Contact
- Elegant User Interface that resembles the ChatGPT App
- Communication with advanced GPT 3 model API
- Feel power of ChatGPT
- To study OpenAI
- Tech 1 - OpenAI
- Tech 2 - Vanilla
- Tech 3 - JavaScript
List the ready features here:
- Responsive layout with CSS
- Handle events with JavaScript
- Render markdown from string
- Prism for code highlight
- Make API requests
- Catch errors
- Write clean code & much more
Project uses Node.js for frontend.
Use vite to create project. All you need to do is just run npm install
to install node_modules & run npm run dev
You can use this for several chatbot frontend. Just clone the project and use it as frontend.
Project is: complete.
These are room for improvement and ToDos.
Room for improvement:
- OpenAI
- JavaScript
To do:
- Update UI
- Flexible Chat
- This project was inspired by Valentyn.
- This project was based on this tutorial.
- Many thanks to Valentyn.
Created by @Bohdan - feel free to contact me!