Solun-CLI is a command line interface tool for uploading and downloading files from Solun.
Clone the repository and navigate to the project directory:
cd cli
pip install .
The solun
command can be used to upload files with optional settings for brute force protection, password, end-to-end encryption, and auto deletion.
The solun
download command can be also used to download files from Solun.
Upload a file:
solun file -p /path/to/your/file
Upload a file with brute force protection, a password, end-to-end encryption, and set an auto deletion parameter:
solun file -p /path/to/your/file -b -pw "YourPassword" -e2e -ad 1d
Download a file:
solun download -l
- -p, --path: Path to the file to be uploaded.
- -b, --bruteforceSafe: Enable brute force protection (default: disabled).
- -pw, --password: Set a password for the file (default: None).
- -e2e, --endToEndEncryption: Enable end-to-end encryption (default: disabled).
- -ad, --autoDeletion: Set auto deletion parameter. Options: download, 1d, 1w, 1m, 3m, 6m, 1y, never (default: download).
- -l, --link: Link to the file to be downloaded.
To build the package, first install the build tool with:
pip install build
Then run the following command in the root directory of the project:
python3 -m build
This will generate distribution files in the dist directory that you can publish to PyPI. Before publishing the package, ensure any previous build artifacts are cleared to avoid errors:
rm -rf solun.egg-info
To publish the package to PyPI, use the following twine command (make sure twine is installed using pip install twine):
twine upload dist/*