A cookiecutter for Laravel packages with:
- Laravel services bootstrapped for development so that you can use everything
that is available to a full Laravel application, e.g. using
commands, facades, etc. - a Continuous Integration workflow for GitHub Actions that lints and tests
your code and also measures code coverage. By default, the code coverage job
fails if the code coverage is not 100%. This can be adjusted in the
scripts section of
file. - a README.md file with a beautiful banner from Beyond Code, buttons indicating the version of the package currently on Packagist, the number of downloads from Packagist, whether tests are passing and the code coverage. The README already describes how to install the package, and has a place for you to fill in how to use the package.
- a LICENSE file containing the copyright license for the package; and
- a license notice at the top of each relevant file.
- a directory structure that follows the Standard PHP Skeleton specification and Composer script names that follow the Composer Script Names specification.
Install the pip
package manager for Python, and pipx
that is used to
install stand-alone Python applications.
sudo apt install --yes python3-pip
pip install pipx
Install the Cookiecutter package.
pipx install cookiecutter
Create a project skeleton for a new Laravel package.
cookiecutter gh:spoorsny/cookiecutter-laravel-package
The command above will prompt for the vendor name, package name and PHP namespace, among other things, then it will create a directory within the current working directory, named after the package.
Change into the new directory, then install the required Composer dependencies.
cd <new-package-directory>
composer install
You can then start generating new classes and other files using php artisan
and add your own code. Read the generated package's CONTRIBUTING.md file for
information on how to use its features.
To contribute to this repository, please use the Conventional Commits convention. It makes it easier to create change logs for new releases.
The commits are linted using Commit Lint whenever a pull request is made.
To have the Commit Lint check your commits locally as a commit-msg hook, run
npm install
after cloning this repository. If you are using Visual Studio
Code, you can also install the Commit Lint extension recommended by this
repository, to lint your commits as you write them in the Source Control panel
of VS Code.
Copyright © 2024 Geoffrey Bernardo van Wyk (https://geoffreyvanwyk.dev)
This file is part of Cookiecutter for Laravel package.
Cookiecutter for Laravel package is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
Cookiecutter for Laravel package is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Cookiecutter for Laravel package. If not, see https://www.gnu.org/licenses/.
For a copy of the license, see the COPYING file in this repository.