Web site that queries data from NASA's APOD and visualizes the pictures.
All the required python modules are listed in the requirements.txt
and can be installed thought pip with the following command:
pip install -r requirements.txt
Start the program with python APOD_viewer.py
in the terminal,
it will start a development server at
For the XML version use python APOD_viewer_XML.py
the default server address is, it requires
the XML Gateway to be running.
By default it will show today's picture with it's date and title at the top and the copyright, if present, with an explanation at the bottom.
The image can be clicked to see an high quality version allowing to zoom in and see details thought the browser in-built image viewer.
At the top of the page a form is present to make a custom query,
the first is a list of query types:
- Date, allows to select a date and query for that date's picture.
- Date range, allows to select a start and an end date to query for pictures in a range.
- Random images, allows to choose the amount of pictures and query for a list of random pictures.
Each query type will change the rendered fields as needed.
Both the Date date field and the Date range start date field
are limited to start from 16 June 1995 and end with today's date, as
it is the APOD API allowed range.
The Date range end date field is limited to start from the start date
value and end with today's date and will change to the start date value,
if it's previous to the start date, this is done to avoid invalid
The Random images number field is limited to start from 1 and end
at 100, as it is the APOD API allowed range.
If the query contains more than one picture, a grid view will be used, this can be seen when using the Date range and the Random images queries.
Despite being the Astronomy Picture Of the Day viewer videos can be found in queries which are correctly rendered in the page.
In the absence of a video or a picture a default image is used:
Web service that query NASA's APOD and translates the returned JSON in XML.
Start the program with python XML_gateway.py
in the terminal,
the default server address is
The allowed parameters are:
- date: a date to query for, defaults to today's date.
- start_date: the start of a date range, cannot be used
. - end_date: end of a date range when used with
, defaults to today's date, cannot be used withdate
. - count: an integer from 1 to 100, returns
random images, cannot be used with any of the above.
The date format is yyyy-mm-dd
When no parameter are specified, today's date is used.
Example queries:
On errors, a message explaining the problem is shown.
Invalid example query:
Resulting error:
<msg>time data '2020-23-13' does not match format '%Y-%m-%d'</msg>