This repository contains data and scripts used for the numerical experiments of the article:
Romain Ait Abdelmalek-Lomenech (†), Julien Bect (†),
Vincent Chabridon (§) and Emmanuel Vazquez (†)
Bayesian sequential design of computer experiments for quantile set
inversion (arXiv:2211.01008)
(†) Université Paris-Saclay, CNRS, CentraleSupélec,
Laboratoire des signaux et systèmes,
Gif-sur-Yvette, France.
(§) EDF R&D, Chatou, France
Most of the numerical experiments of the article were carried out using Matlab. To reproduce the figures, or run the entire benchmark from scratch, you will need:
- some reasonably recent version of Matlab (R2022a was used to produce the results included in the article),
- version 2.8.1 of the STK toolbox,
- and the contrib-qsi repository.
Both STK 2.8.1 and the contrib-qsi repository paths will be automatically
added by executing startup.m
. Generally, this script is
automatically executed the first time you start Matlab from the root of this project.
Python is only required to reproduce the results concerning the ECL algorithm of Cole et al (2023). More precisely, you will need:
- some reasonably recent version of Python 3 (version 3.11.2 was used to produce the results included in the article),
- the virtual-env package.
Before running the ECL-related experiments, you have to run the shell script algorithms/gramacylab-nasa/, which will carry out the following step:
- Clone the ECL repository.
- Apply a patch to adapt it for the QSI paper expriments.
- Create a python virtual environment at the root of the repository (using virtualenv) & install the required packages.
If your OS cannot run shell scripts, you can of course carry out these operations manually (see shell script for details).
A reasonably recent version of R is only required for the Volcano application case. Version 4.2.2 was used to produce the results included in the article.
The script scripts/demo_qsi.m
provides a live demonstration of the
QSI-SUR strategy on the synthetic function f_1
, by generating a
random initial design and displaying, every 3 steps, the points chosen
by the sampling criterion. To run it:
- Start Matlab from the root of this project. This will trigger the startup.m script, which configures everything automatically.
- Type
in the prompt to start the demonstration.
All the results used or displayed in the article and its supplementary
materials (sequential/initial designs, estimated covariance
parameters, graphs...) and the associated data are saved in the data
The figures displayed in the article can be reproduced, using the data
stored in data/
, by launching the scripts in scripts/figures
(with i = 1, 3, 4_and_5, 6, 7, 9) for the corresponding figure.Figures_convergence.m
for the figures 4, 5, 9 and the ones displayed in the supplementary material, for a given function (by default,f_1
), using saved datas.
By default, Figures_4_and_5.m
and Figure_9
reproduce the figures by running a full
benchmark using all the CPU cores (minus 1) to parallelize the different runs. This can be tuned by editing some
variables at the beginning of the corresponding scripts, and the test functions configuration
files (see section Test functions
This part describes how to reproduce and save the experiments independantly of the
Three scripts, located in scripts/experiments
, allow to reproduce the
experiments and the associated data:
constructs sequential designs using the QSI-SUR, Joint-SUR, Ranjan, max. misclassification and random
constructs sequential designs using the ECL strategy (more details below).results_computation.m
computes the proportion of misclassified points at each step for all the competitor strategies and saves the results indata/results
By default, these scripts produces results for 100 runs, without using
parallel computing, for the synthethic test function f_1
. The full
reproduction of the experiments used in the paper can take a (very)
long time, but this can be alleviate by reducing the number of runs,
activating parallel computing, or modifying the configuration file of
the considered test case (see section Test functions
More details on the sub-functions involved in thoses scripts can be
found in algorithms/stk-contrib-qsi/
To run the Matlab experiments (all methods except ECL), you need to:
- Edit
to indicate which test case you want to run. - Start Matlab from the root of this project. This will trigger the startup.m script, which configures everything automatically.
- Run
Here is what it should look like:
To run the ECL experiments, you need to:
- Edit
to indicate which test case you want to run. - Start the virtual environment
. - Run
Here is what it should look like:
To extract convergence results, you need to:
- Edit
to indicate which test case you are interested about. - Run
The test functions are named differently in the article and in the code. The correspondance (paper ⮕ code) is as follows:
Each test function
(and associated QSI problem) is described by several files:
, the associated function either coded in matlab or python.function_s_trnsf.m
, the inverse mapping associated to the probability distribution on the uncertain inputs.function_struct.m
, describing the problem (threshold, critical region, input spaces...)function_config.m
, a configuration file for the different matlab-implemented strategies (number of steps, size of the integration grid, number of candidates points...).
Matlab implementation:
- everything except the volcano case is located in
]. - the files for the volcano case are located in
Python implementation:
- Everything is in
The authors are grateful to Valérie Cayol and Rodolphe Le Riche for sharing their R implementation of the Mogi model used for the "volcano" test case.
This work has been funded by the French National Research Agency (ANR), in the context of the SAMOURAI project (ANR-20-CE46-0013).
Except otherwise noted, Romain Ait Abdelmalek-Lomenech wrote all the files in this project, with occasional help of Julien Bect.
The R implementation of the "volcano" test case has been originally written by Rodolphe Le Riche and Valérie Cayol, and then modified by Julien Bect for the needs of this project.
qsi-paper-experiments is released under the BSD-3-Clause license.
The files volcano.R, data_nonoise.csv, and volcano_ref.mat, located in testcases/volcano-case, have been derived from the original files provided by Rodolphe Le Riche and Valérie Cayol, from CNRS. They have the following copyrights:
Copyright (c) 2024, CentraleSupélec
Copyright (c) 2017, CNRS
The other files have been written from scratch for this project, and thus can, if needed, be distributed under the simplified copyright:
Copyright (c) 2024, CentraleSupélec