3.20.0 (2023-12-14)
Bug Fixes
- add empty th in single select SbDataTable (1f18599), closes #485
- extract the helper classes to a seperate file (e6f710f)
- helper classes file (9bf0701)
- linter issues (eedf608)
- minibrowser issues (690a43a)
- minibrowser story issues (8c255cb)
- move variables to the correct file (c959f52)
- notification issues on expanding (6173b02)
- storybook build issue (0b41fae)
- storybook issues (dfe6efa)
- test path (3a9df07)
- unit tests (4091aa1)
- update stories (f6677d8)
- use @use statement (60d2e6c)