A Nextflow workflow for protein structure prediction.
: FASTA file with one or more sequences (required)resultsDir
: directory where to store the results (default: results/yyyy.MM.dd-HH.mm.ss-quick-fold)esmfold.args
: options passed to ESMFold (default: "--num-recycles 4 --chunk-size 16")openmm.pdb.relax.args
: options passed to OpenMM PDB relaxation (default: "--fix-pdb")
nextflow pull stracquadaniolab/quick-fold-nf
nextflow run stracquadaniolab/quick-fold-nf
: PDB file for each sequence in input as predicted by ESMFold.$resultsDir/relaxed/<seqid>.pdb
: PDB files after energy minimization.
- Giovanni Stracquadanio