The Elassandra Kubernetes Operator automates the deployment and management of Elassandra clusters deployed in multiple Kubernetes clusters. By reducing the complexity of running a Cassandra or Elassandra clusters under Kubernetes, it gives you the flexibility to migrate your data to any Kubernetes cluster with no downtime and the freedom to choose your cloud provider or run on-premise.
Elassandra Operator features:
- Manage one Kubernetes StatefulSet per Cassandra rack to ensure data consistency across availability zones.
- Manage multiple Elassandra/Cassandra datacenters in the same or different Kubernetes clusters, in one or multiple namespaces.
- Manage rolling configuration changes, rolling upgrade/downgrade of Elassandra, rolling restarts.
- Scale up/down Elassandra datacenters.
- Park/Unpark Elassandra datacenters (and associated Kibana and Cassandra Reaper instances).
- Implements Elassandra tasks to add/remove datacenters from an Elassandra cluster.
- Deploy Cassandra Reaper and register keyspaces to run continuous Cassandra repairs.
- Deploy multiple Kibana instances with a dedicated Elasticsearch index in Elassandra.
- Expose Elassandra metrics for the Prometheus Operator.
- Publish DNS names of Elassandra broadcast IP addresses using ExternalDNS.
- Automatically generates SSL/TLS certificates and strong passwords stored as Kubernetes secrets.
- Create Cassandra roles and automatically grants the desired permissions on Cassandra keyspaces.
- Automatically adjust the Cassandra Replication Factor for managed keyspaces, repair and cleanup after scale up/down.
- Provide a java AddressTranslator for the Cassandra driver allowing to run applications in the same Kubernetes cluster as the Elassandra datacenter (similar to the EC2MultiRegionAddressTranslator but for any Kubernetes cluster).
Elassandra Operator version 0.1 is currently Alpha.
- Docker images are available on dockerhub.
- HELM charts are available at
- Please see the Elassandra-Operator documentation.
- Quickstart is available here
- Kubernetes cluster, 1.15 or newer.
- HELM 2
- Commercial support is available through Strapdata.
- Community support available via Elassandra Google Groups.
- Post feature requests and bugs on
The Elassandra-Operator is licensed under AGPL and you can contribute to bug reports, documentation updates, tests, and features by submitting github issues or/and pull requests as usual.
The Elassandra Operator rely on the Micronaut framework and the Kubernetes java client in a reactive programming style. It does not require any Cassandra/Elassandra sidecar container, but requires a dedicated Elassandra docker image that warps the docker entrypoint for customization purposes.
- Java 8
- Docker
- HELM 2
- Kind (for kubernetes tests)
Publish the docker images (operator + elassandra + cassandra reaper):
./gradlew dockerPush -PregistryUsername=$DOCKER_USERNAME -PregistryPassword=$DOCKER_PASSWORD -PregistryUrl=$REGISTRY_URL
Publish in local insecure registry
./gradlew dockerPush -PregistryUrl="localhost:5000" -PregistryInsecure
Build parameters are located in
We uses TravisCI to build and run automated integration tests on Kind. You can also run these integration tests on GKE or AKS.
Setup test cluster using Kind:
Run integration tests:
Copyright (C) 2020 Strapdata SAS (
The Elassandra-Operator is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
The Elassandra-Operator is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with the Elassandra-Operator. If not, see
- Kubernetes is a trademark of THE LINUX FOUNDATION
- Elasticsearch, Logstash, Beats and Kibana are trademarks of Elasticsearch BV, registered in the U.S. and in other countries.
- Apache Cassandra, Apache Lucene, Apache, Lucene and Cassandra are trademarks of the Apache Software Foundation.
- Elassandra is a trademark of Strapdata SAS.