Holds AVPlayer plugin for Mesh and CDN Load Balancer products. This README holds public usage. For internal/custom usage, see this.
To integrate this plugin, we need:
- A valid delivery client key. It is available in the Account section of your dashboard
- The Bundle Identifier of your application needs to have been allowed by our team
- Plugin Framework installed
The plugin can be used through package managers (cocoapods/carthage) or directly added to a project by cloning this repository. This sections covers pods and carthage.
Mesh and CDN Load Balancer are published to two different pods. Depending on the product you need, add the following line to your Podfile for your target.
For Mesh :
target 'MyApp' do
pod 'LumenMeshDeliveryAVPlayerPlugin'
For CDN Load Balancer :
target 'MyApp' do
pod 'LumenCDNLoadBalancerAVPlayerPlugin'
Then, execute pod install
###Â Carthage
github "streamroot/lumen-delivery-client-plugin-avplayer" "VERSION"
Since the plugin uses pods, after carthage checkout you need to run pod install inside the "lumen-delivery-client-plugin-avplayer" repository before continuing with carthage update.
In the Project Navigator, right click on "Info.plist", and "Open as" → "Source Code". Add the following lines with the right parameters values.
In the Project Navigator, right click on "Info.plist", and "Open as" → "Source Code". Add the following lines with the right parameters values.
We strongly recommand to set the delivery client key in Info.plist
. However, if not possible, it is also possible to pass your delivieryClientKey during the initialization step.
First, import the SDK:
// For Mesh
#import LumenMeshDeliveryAVPlayerPlugin
// For CDN Load Balancer
#import LumenCDNLoadBalancerAVPlayerPlugin
Initialize the Delivery SDK from the AppDelegate
class AppDelegate: UIResponder, UIApplicationDelegate {
func application(_ application: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [UIApplication.LaunchOptionsKey: Any]?) -> Bool {
* If you can not add your deliveryClientKey in Info.plist
* Call instead: LMDeliveryClientPlugin.initializeApp(withDeliveryKey: "MY_DELIVERY_CLIENT_KEY")
The plugin automatically links your player with our SDK. It uses a restricted Builder pattern.
At the end of the construction it sets the right AVPlayerItem on the AVPlayer instance.
Our SDKs are using a proxy which means the url AVPlayer is working with is not your original url.
The final url can be found in a field of the plugin object : plugin.finalUri
Smallest usage :
plugin = LMDeliveryClientPlugin.newBuilder(uri: manifestUrl)
In the previous example, the plugin is in charge of :
- creating an AVPlayer instance
- creating and setting the AVPlayerItem with the correct url
- creating our SDK
- linking our SDK with the player
- starting our SDK
You are still responsible for :
- Linking the player with your UI (
avpController.player = plugin.avPlayer
) - Starting the playback (
Make sure you keep a strong reference to the plugin in your UIViewController.
Advanced :
You may prefer to give us your own AVPlayer :
plugin = LMDeliveryClientPlugin.newBuilder(uri: manifestUrl)
You may prefer to give us your own AVPlayerItem :
plugin = LMDeliveryClientPlugin.newBuilder(uri: manifestUrl)
.avPlayerItemFactory({ finalUrl in
// You are free to return your own AVPlayerItem
// Always use finalUrl as your url
return AVPlayerItem(url: finalUrl)
You can pass additional options during the creation of a LMDeliveryClientPlugin
plugin = LMDeliveryClientPlugin.newBuilder(uri: manifestUrl)
.meshOptions { o in
* Set Mesh property
* param: String
* Set the content id
* A string that identifies your content
* By default, it uses the stream url
* param: String
* Set the log level
* See the "How to investigate?" to know more
* param: LumenLogLevel
* Set latency in seconds
* param: Int
* Set a proxy server
* Allows the use of a proxy server in the middle
* Format is host:port
* params: String
CDN Load Balancer
plugin = LMDeliveryClientPlugin.newBuilder(uri: manifestUrl)
.orchestratorOptions { o in
* Set Orchestrator property
* param: String
* Set the content id
* A string that identifies your content
* By default, it uses the stream url
* param: String
* Set the log level
* See the "How to investigate?" to know more
* param: LumenLogLevel
* Set a proxy server
* Allows the use of a proxy server in the middle
* Format is host:port
* params: String
By default the log level is set to OFF
, it can be overriden during the LMDeliveryClientPlugin
plugin = LMDeliveryClientPlugin.newBuilder(uri: manifestUrl)
.meshOptions { o in // OR .orchestratorOptions { o in
A helper method is available to display various Mesh/CDN Load Balancer related stats on a specified UIView.
// The implementer is in charge of creating the view and to displaying it on top of the player controller/layer
AirPlay is a protocol that allows wireless streaming between devices of audio, video, device screens, and photos, together with related metadata. Using this protocol, it is possible to view your media content on other devices compatible with Apple.
If you are using Lumen SDK on your mobile device or any other apple device and wish to stream your content on any other device such as Apple TV, it is important to follow certain procedures in order to not break your playback.
This is because Lumen (Streamroot) operates as a proxy which hides visibility of the URL of the media content from your device to any other apple device such as Apple TV. The media content URL is converted to a local URL to talk to our proxy. The resulting URL is then a local host URL (Eg: https://localhost:888/).
This URL cannot be read by the device you are trying to stream to since its a local URL. As a result, playback will not begin and you won't be able to stream your media content.
The original URL has to be provided to the device you are trying to cast to in order to stream your media content.
You can use the following proposition while using Airplay. When the viewer switch from iOS device to Airplay, you need to provide the plugin a new AVPlayer The Proxy will be stopped when Airplay is used. When the playback returned to iOS device, the Proxy will be started again.
In your PlayerViewController class:
-Add a private var airplayManager: LMAirplayManager!
-Init the airplayManager in viewDidAppear(
airplayManager = LMAirplayManager(delegate: self)
-Add an extension of PlayerViewController
to handle onAirplayEnabled()
and onAirplayDisabled()
events (as follow:)
extension PlayerViewController : LMAirplayManagerDelegate {
func onAirplayEnabled() -> (avPlayerWithItem: AVPlayer, autoplay: Bool) {
plugin = nil
let avPlayerWithItem = AVPlayer(url: URL(string: MANIFEST_URL)!)
avpController.player = avPlayerWithItem
return (avPlayerWithItem: avPlayerWithItem, autoplay: true)
func onAirplayDisabled() -> (plugin: LMDeliveryClientPlugin, autoplay: Bool) {
// Create and start a delivery client
self.plugin = LMDeliveryClientPlugin.newBuilder(uri: URL(string: MANIFEST_URL)!)
#if MESH
.meshOptions { o in
o.meshProperty("classic") // put your orch Mesh here
.orchestratorOptions { o in
o.orchestratorProperty("classic") // put your orch Property here
avpController.player = plugin!.avPlayer
/* Setup stat view
* AVPlayerViewController propose `contentOverlayView` to enrich
* the view with additional content. However, it does not support
* user interaction.
* We recommand to add the stat view as a subview instead and once
* the player is started.
statView = UIView(frame: self.view.bounds)
return (plugin: plugin!, autoplay: true)
The SDK is player agnostic. All communication between the player and the delivery client that are player specific are implemented in a PlayerInteractor class. Each player has a different API that the SDK tries to use at its full potential in order to monitor and maximize the Quality of Service. The lack of some interfaces may :
- Reduce QoS detection
- Reduce offload
- INVALID : Unused
- Playback time : OK
- Bandwidth control : OK
- Buffer health : OK
- Track switch : Experimental
- Player error : OK
- Frame drop : OK
- Set buffer target : OK
- Get buffer target : OK
The SDK is player agnostic. All communication between the player and the delivery client that are player specific are implemented in a PlayerInteractor class. Each player has a different API that the SDK tries to use at its full potential in order to monitor and maximize the Quality of Service.
- INVALID : Unused
- Playback time : OK
- Buffer health : OK
- Track switch : Experimental
- Player error : OK
- Frame drop : OK