Testing tool for graphql api
Stainql is a simple graphql api testing tool.
Features provided by stainql are :
- Introspection query check.
- ">
- Graphql endpoint detection using inbuild wordlist.
- CSRF(Cross-Site Request Forgery) check
- Query based Batching attack check.
- Executing custom query.
clone the repo.
git clone https://github.com/sumeet-darekar/stainql.git
pip install -r requirements.txt
python3 graphql.py -t https://graphql-example.com -f
python3 graphql.py -t https://graphql-example.com/graphql -i -s
python3 graphql.py -t https://graphql-example.com/graphql -c
python3 graphql.py -t https://graphql-example.com/graphql -q
python3 graphql.py -t https://graphql-example.com/graphql -a
python3 graphql.py -h
[ Tool for graphql Testing ] - v1.0.1
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| By:- Sumeet Darekar |
usage: graphql.py [-h] [-i [INTROSPECTION]] [-t TARGET] [-f [FUZZ]] [-s [SHOW]] [-c [CHECKCSRF]] [-q [QUERY]] [-cq [CUSTOM_QUERY]] [-a [ALL]]
-h, --help show this help message and exit
run introspection query
-t TARGET, --target TARGET
specify the target [format : https://example.com/graphql ]
-f [FUZZ], --fuzz [FUZZ]
fuzzing graphql endpoints [wordlist : graphql-wordlist.txt (default)]
-s [SHOW], --show [SHOW]
show the output of introspection query
-c [CHECKCSRF], --checkcsrf [CHECKCSRF]
check for CSRF
-q [QUERY], --query [QUERY]
check for query based batching
-cq [CUSTOM_QUERY], --custom_query [CUSTOM_QUERY]
send the custom query
-a [ALL], --all [ALL]
Scan all vulnerabilities[ csrf, batching, introspection query ] present on tool.
--> Scanning all vulnerabilities in tools.
python3 graphql.py -t <your_target> -a
--> For Introspection query [use -s if you want to see the output]
python3 graphql.py -t <your_target> -i
python3 graphql.py -t <your_target> -i -s [dumps the information]
--> For fuzzing for endpoints. it will use Default worldlist[graphql-wordlist.txt] you can add yours endpoints also.
python3 graphql.py -t <your_target> -f
--> For excuting your custom query. Can change the query from custom-query.txt
python3 graphql.py -t <your_target> -cq