A MERN Stack developer with a passion for writing clean and efficient code. I am proficient in integrating APIs into React and Next.js applications using Axios and Fetch and utilizing various tools, languages and libraries such as Redux, ReduxToolkit, React Router, Strapi, Node.js, Express.Js, MongoDB, Tailwind CSS and Chakra UI. As someone passionate about coding, I am always seeking ways to improve my skills and apply them to real-world projects.
🙋♂️ About Me
👯 I am looking to work as a MERN Stack Web Developer or React.js Developer
💬 Ask me about HTML CSS JAVASCRIPT REACT Next.js Node
📫 How to reach me sunilroy450@gmail.com
⚡ Fun fact Love to explore new things and love to cook
📄 Know about my experiences Resume
📄 Know about my experiences Certificate
📄 Know about my Work Portfolio
📄 Know about my Work Linkedin
Tools, languages, and other things that I like to work with
Programming Languages And Tools
JavaScript |
Css |
Npm |
MongoDB |
Postman |
Git |
Github |
VsCode |
Frameworks & Libraries
React |
NodeJs |
ChakraUI |
Redux |
ReduxToolKit |
ExpressJs |
NextJs |
Strapi |
Tailwind |
Github Stats | Current Strek |
Top Languages | What i do |