ENCE260 UCFK4 Assignment
- A game to run on the UCFK4 micro-controller.
This is a maze game where you need to get out of the maze in order to win. You have 5 seconds to observe the map, after 5 seconds you will be in a dark and dangerous maze, survive! But please do not be complacent that you are out of the maze, there are more difficult mazes waiting for you to unlock!
Rohan Mathias (rma307@uclive.ac.nz),Zhenyuan He (zhe27@ucliveac.nz)
10/10/2021 - 20/10/2021
From within this directory, the following commands can be run
- make: Compiles source code and builds object files
- make program: Runs make and then loads program into UCFK4 flash memory
- make clean: Remove old object files from directory
- 1.Start The Game: The screen display text "Maze! push to start!", push the button and start the game.The map will shows 5 sec and disappear.
- 2.GAME_RUN: Find yourself and get to the far end of the maze(middle), remember press the navswitch to celebrate and finish the game. When you lose the game, press the button to try it again.
- 3.GAME_OVER: When you reach or touch the edge of the maze, you lose. You will be reset and can try again.
- 4.GAME_WIN: When you complete both levels of the maze, you will be shown a "WIN!!" message. Good job! You can run the program again to play again.