This project is being developed by Sweep 25 of the Spring 2021 CSE120 course. Team members: Malia Bowman, Gustavo Canela, Wyssanie Chomsin, Jakob Potosme, Spencer Tang
- API Team: Jakob, Malia, Spencer
- Database Team: Jakob, Mannie, Gustavo
- UI Team: Malia
- Modbus/Bacnet Team: Mannie
User can create a directory on the Sweep API from the webapp interface
- [UITeam] Add Create Directory button to Directories UI page
- [APITeam] Create post request function to Create Directory endpoint
User can create a stream in a directory on the Sweep API from the webapp interface
- [UITeam] Add Create Stream button to Streams UI page
- [UITeam] Create a Add Stream UI page/Form
- [APITeam] Create post request function to Create Directory endpoint
User can add a device to an existing stream on the Sweep API from the webapp interface
- [UITeam] Create new device page in UI
- [APITeam] Create post stream request function to sweep apu
User can remove a stream from the Sweep API using the webapp interface
- [UITeam] Add check boxes to streams UI to specify streams to be removed
- [APITeam] Create delete stream request function to
STRETCH GOALS: Further things to complete if we have time
- Edit ui
- API Team: Jakob, Malia, Spencer
- Docker Team: Mannie
- Database Team: Jakob, Gustavo
- UI Team: Malia
Here we layout the required use cases for our first implementation, as well as the tasks required to implement them.
User can launch a Node.js application in a docker container
- Create simple Node.js Webapp using Express.js
- Create package.json file with required dependencies
- [DockerTeam] Create Dockerfiles for containerising Node.js Webapp
User can view their directories on their Sweep API account given an authentication key and token
- [APITeam] Add Axios dependencies to package.json
- [APITeam] Create test directory data
- [UITeam] Create directories page UI
- [DBTeam] Create Directories table in Database
- [DBTeam] Save directories to local Database
User can view existing streams on their Sweep API account
- [APITeam] Create test data on streams
- [UITeam] Create UI for streams page
- [APITeam] Create get request function to Sweep API/streams endpoint
STRETCH GOALS: Further things to complete if we have time
- User can create account with Sweep API using interface
- [UITeam] Login or Create New Sweep API account UI
- [APITeam] Create post request function to Create API Key endpoint
- [APITeam] Create get request to Get User Login Token endpoint
- [APITeam] Save Sweep API account auth to .env file
- [DBTeam] Save Sweep API auth info to local DB