Configuration in /etc/config/system
Change ntp server from default chinese server to or any other NTP server
change timezone: Delete timezone line and edit zonename line
Example for Europe/Berlin:
config system
option hostname TinaLinux
option zonename Europe/Berlin
option log_file /tmp/.lastlog
option log_size 512
option log_buffer_size 64
config timeserver ntp
list server
option enable 1
option enable_server 0
The device has a random mac address on every boot by default. This gets annoying because DHCP servers will assign a new IP every boot.
To fix this, we add a startup script:
On boot, /usr/trimui/bin/
is executed, which in turn executes every script in SD/System/starts/
To get a consistent mac address and thus IP address, we change the mac on boot:
On the SD card, create the file System/starts/
. Capitalizaton matters.
Content of the script. change mac address to what you want it to be (or leave it as it is).
ifconfig wlan0 down
ifconfig wlan0 hw ether 00:00:d3:4d:b3:3f
ifconfig wlan0 up