NeewerLite-Python 0.03a
Latest release! Changes since the last version -
- Added Preferences pane to set per-light preferences
- CCT mode defaults to 5600K as its stop range now instead of 8500K (as most Neewer lights don't go above 5600K), but you can change that with the prefs pane
- Implemented a CLI (command-line interface) to run the program without a GUI, using the following arguments:
--cli - Start the program in the CLI and not the GUI
--silent - Don't show debug comments in the console
--mode=CCT/HSL/ANM/SCENE - start the CLI in a specific mode
--light=(MAC ADDRESS) - the MAC address of the light to send commands to
for CCT:
--temp=(32-56, or up to 85 if the light supports it) - set the color temperature
--bri/brightness=(0-100) - set the brightness
for HSL:
--hue=(0-360) - set the hue
--sat=(0-100) - set the color saturation
--bri/brightness=(0-100) - set the brightness
--scene=(1-9) - set the animation to play
--bri/brightness=(0-100) - set the brightness