GSoC 2017 contributions for oVirt
- Name: Tasdik Rahman
- Github: tasdikrahman
- Blog:
Repository: ovirt-ansible
Total Pull Requests Created: 5
- rhevm-qe-automation/ovirt-ansible#139 - [test_upgrade] tests for ovirt version upgrades
- rhevm-qe-automation/ovirt-ansible#137 - Remote dwh fresh engine install
- rhevm-qe-automation/ovirt-ansible#132 - [feature-add] Added role to rename engine
- rhevm-qe-automation/ovirt-ansible#146 - tests:test-updrade40to41: added engine-rename role
- rhevm-qe-automation/ovirt-ansible#148 - [ovirt-engine-metrics] WIP
Total Issues Opened: 1
- rhevm-qe-automation/ovirt-ansible#129 - [question] specifying Exact Requirements on requirements.txt file
Bugs filed: 2
- OVESETUP_ENGINE_CONFIG/fqdn value not getting logged in answerfile when installing remote dwh
- Bugzilla: Documentation to setup
DB on a remote machine other than the dwh service machine missing
Repository: Main
Total Issues Opened: 1
- ViaQ/Main#12 - ansible-play fails on centos7 during the task [openshift_version : For an RPM install, abort when the release requested does not match the available version.]
Repository: openshift-ansible
Total Issues Opened: 1
- openshift/openshift-ansible#5236 - Check if NetworkManager is enabled/unmasked. #5236
Blog Posts: Medium
- Hello oVirt, GSoC 2017
- Community bonding period, GSoC 2017 with oVirt org
- Installing oVirt 4.1 on centOS 7 (DigitalOcean)
- Using Ansible Playbooks to Install oVirt 4.1 on centOS 7 (Linode)
- Week 1 and 2, GSoC 2017 — Travel, Code, Good food
- Week 3 and 4, GSoC 2017 — dozens of cloud vm’s, ansibling, finding bugs, testing
- Second Phase — GSoC, work on 3 VM setup of oVirt installation
- Final post - GSoC 2017 with oVirt
- rhevm-qe-automation/ovirt-ansible#123 - Add roles for ovirt-engine-metrics