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📈Weather App built with Signals

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This is a weather app built using Signals as it's State Management. This project is an attempt to rewrite the Weather App sample at Flutter Bloc Example created by Felix Angelov in Signals.

The Open Meteo was used to provide the data. This project was created for educational purposes only and it's not intended to be a reference point to get weather data.

💻 Requirements

  • Any Operating System (i.e MacOS X, Linux, Windows)
  • Any IDE with Flutter SDK installed (ie. IntelliJ, Android Studio, VSCode etc)
  • A little knowledge of Dart and Flutter
  • A brain to think 🤓🤓

✨ Features

  • See weather forecast for a location.
  • Change temperature.

📸 Screenshots


🔌 Plugins

Name Usage
signals State Management
DIO Network calls
FlexColorScheme App Theming
Flutter Hooks A Flutter implementation of React hooks

🤓 Author(s)

Ajiboye Temitope Oluwatayomi Twitter Follow

🔖 License


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