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CSS parser and minifier for node and the browser


From npm

$ npm install @tbela99/css-parser

from jsr

$ deno add @tbela99/css-parser


  • no dependency
  • fault-tolerant parser, will try to fix invalid tokens according to the CSS syntax module 3 recommendations.
  • fast and efficient minification without unsafe transforms, see benchmark
  • minify colors.
  • support css color level 4 & 5: color(), lab(), lch(), oklab(), oklch(), color-mix(), light-dark(), system colors and relative color
  • generate nested css rules
  • convert nested css rules to legacy syntax
  • generate sourcemap
  • compute css shorthands. see supported properties list below
  • evaluate calc()
  • inline css variables
  • remove duplicate properties
  • flatten @import rules
  • partial css validation: only css selector is validated


Try it online


There are several ways to import the library into your application.

Node exports

import as a module

import {transform} from '@tbela99/css-parser';

// ...

Deno exports

import as a module

import {transform} from 'npm:@tbela99/css-parser';

// ...

import as a CommonJS module

const {transform} = require('@tbela99/css-parser/cjs');

// ...

Web export

Programmatic import

import {transform} from '@tbela99/css-parser/web';

// ...

Javascript module from cdn

<script type="module">

    import {transform} from '';

    const css = `
    .s {

    background: color-mix(in hsl, color(display-p3 0 1 0) 80%, yellow);

    console.debug(await transform(css).then(r => r.code));


Javascript module

<script src="dist/web/index.js" type="module"></script>

Single Javascript file

<script src="dist/index-umd-web.js"></script>


Parse and render css in a single pass.


transform(css, transformOptions: TransformOptions = {}): TransformResult


import {transform} from '@tbela99/css-parser';

const {ast, code, map, errors, stats} = await transform(css, {minify: true, resolveImport: true, cwd: 'files/css'});


Include ParseOptions and RenderOptions


Minify Options

  • minify: boolean, optional. default to true. optimize ast.
  • nestingRules: boolean, optional. automatically generated nested rules.
  • expandNestingRules: boolean, optional. convert nesting rules into separate rules. will automatically set nestingRules to false.
  • removeDuplicateDeclarations: boolean, optional. remove duplicate declarations.
  • computeShorthand: boolean, optional. compute shorthand properties.
  • computeCalcExpression: boolean, optional. evaluate calc() expression
  • inlineCssVariables: boolean, optional. replace some css variables with their actual value. they must be declared once in the :root {} or html {} rule.
  • removeEmpty: boolean, optional. remove empty rule lists from the ast.

Minify Options

  • validation: boolean, optional. enable strict css validation using (mdn data)[]. only the selector is validated at this time.

Sourcemap Options

  • src: string, optional. original css file location to be used with sourcemap, also used to resolve url().
  • sourcemap: boolean, optional. preserve node location data.

Misc Options

  • resolveUrls: boolean, optional. resolve css 'url()' according to the parameters 'src' and 'cwd'
  • resolveImport: boolean, optional. replace @import rule by the content of its referenced stylesheet.
  • removeCharset: boolean, optional. remove @charset.
  • cwd: string, optional. destination directory used to resolve url().
  • visitor: VisitorNodeMap, optional. node visitor used to transform the ast.
  • signal: AbortSignal, optional. abort parsing.


Minify Options

  • minify: boolean, optional. default to true. minify css output.
  • withParents: boolean, optional. render this node and its parents.
  • expandNestingRules: boolean, optional. expand nesting rules.
  • preserveLicense: boolean, force preserving comments starting with '/*!' when minify is enabled.
  • removeComments: boolean, remove comments in generated css.
  • convertColor: boolean, convert colors to hex.

Sourcemap Options

  • sourcemap: boolean, optional. generate sourcemap

Misc Options

  • indent: string, optional. css indention string. uses space character by default.
  • newLine: string, optional. new line character.
  • output: string, optional. file where to store css. url() are resolved according to the specified value. no file is created though.
  • cwd: string, optional. destination directory used to resolve url().



parse(css, parseOptions = {})


const {ast, errors, stats} = await parse(css);



render(ast, RenderOptions = {});


Rendering ast

import {parse, render} from '@tbela99/css-parser';

const css = `
@media screen and (min-width: 40em) {
    .featurette-heading {
        font-size: 50px;
    .a {
        color: red;
        width: 3px;

const result = await parse(css, options);

// print declaration without parents
console.error(render(result.ast.chi[0].chi[1].chi[1], {withParents: false}));
// -> width:3px

// print declaration with parents
console.debug(render(result.ast.chi[0].chi[1].chi[1], {withParents: true}));
// -> @media screen and (min-width:40em){.a{width:3px}}

Merge similar rules


.clear {
  width: 0;
  height: 0;
  color: transparent;

.clearfix:before {

  height: 0;
  width: 0;
import {transform} from '@tbela99/css-parser';

const result = await transform(css);



Automatic CSS Nesting


const {parse, render} = require("@tbela99/css-parser/cjs");

const css = `
table.colortable td {
table.colortable td.c {
table.colortable td:first-child, table.colortable td:first-child+td {
 border:1px solid black;
table.colortable th {

const result = await parse(css, {nestingRules:true}).then(result => render(result.ast, {minify:false}).code);


table.colortable {
 & td {
  text-align: center;
  &.c {
   text-transform: uppercase
  &:first-child,&:first-child+td {
   border: 1px solid #000
 & th {
  text-align: center;
  background: #000;
  color: #fff

CSS Validation


#404 {
--animate-duration: 1s;

.s, #404 {
--animate-duration: 1s;

.s [type="text" {
--animate-duration: 1s;

.s [type="text"]] {
--animate-duration: 1s;

.s [type="text"] {
--animate-duration: 1s;

.s [type="text" i] {
--animate-duration: 1s;

.s [type="text" s] {
--animate-duration: 1s;

.s [type="text" b] {
--animate-duration: 1s;

.s [type="text" b], {
--animate-duration: 1s;

.s [type="text" b]+ {
--animate-duration: 1s;

.s [type="text" b]+ b {
--animate-duration: 1s;

.s [type="text" i]+ b {
--animate-duration: 1s;

.s [type="text"())] {
--animate-duration: 1s;
.s() {
--animate-duration: 1s;
.s:focus {
--animate-duration: 1s;

with validation enabled

import {parse, render} from '@tbela99/css-parser';
const options = {minify: true, validate: true};
const {code} = await parse(css, options).then(result => render(result.ast, {minify: false}));
.s:is([type=text],[type=text i],[type=text s],[type=text i]+b,:focus) {
 --animate-duration: 1s

with validation disabled

import {parse, render} from '@tbela99/css-parser';
const options = {minify: true, validate: false};
const {code} = await parse(css, options).then(result => render(result.ast, {minify: false}));
.s:is([type=text],[type=text i],[type=text s],[type=text b],[type=text b]+b,[type=text i]+b,:focus) {
    --animate-duration: 1s

Nested CSS Expansion


table.colortable {
 & td {
  text-align: center;
  &.c {
   text-transform: uppercase
  &:first-child,&:first-child+td {
   border: 1px solid #000
 & th {
  text-align: center;
  background: #000;
  color: #fff


import {parse, render} from '@tbela99/css-parser';

const options = {minify: true};
const {code} = await parse(css, options).then(result => render(result.ast, {minify: false, expandNestingRules: true}));


table.colortable td {
table.colortable td.c {
table.colortable td:first-child, table.colortable td:first-child+td {
  border:1px solid black;
table.colortable th {

Calc() resolution

import {parse, render} from '@tbela99/css-parser';

const css = `

.foo-bar {
    width: calc(100px * 2);
    height: calc(((75.37% - 63.5px) - 900px) + (2 * 100px));
    max-width: calc(3.5rem + calc(var(--bs-border-width) * 2));

const prettyPrint = await parse(css).then(result => render(result.ast, {minify: false}).code);


.foo-bar {
    width: 200px;
    height: calc(75.37% - 763.5px);
    max-width: calc(3.5rem + var(--bs-border-width)*2)

CSS variable inlining

import {parse, render} from '@tbela99/css-parser';

const css = `

:root {

--preferred-width: 20px;
.foo-bar {

    width: calc(calc(var(--preferred-width) + 1px) / 3 + 5px);
    height: calc(100% / 4);}

const prettyPrint = await parse(css, {inlineCssVariables: true}).then(result => render(result.ast, {minify: false}).code);


.foo-bar {
    width: 12px;
    height: 25%

CSS variable inlining and relative color

import {parse, render} from '@tbela99/css-parser';

const css = `

:root {
--color: green;
._19_u :focus {
    color:  hsl(from var(--color) calc(h * 2) s l);


const prettyPrint = await parse(css, {inlineCssVariables: true}).then(result => render(result.ast, {minify: false}).code);


._19_u :focus {
    color: navy

CSS variable inlining and relative color

import {parse, render} from '@tbela99/css-parser';

const css = `

html { --bluegreen:  oklab(54.3% -22.5% -5%); }
.overlay {
  background:  oklab(from var(--bluegreen) calc(1.0 - l) calc(a * 0.8) b);

const prettyPrint = await parse(css, {inlineCssVariables: true}).then(result => render(result.ast, {minify: false}).code);


.overlay {
    background: #0c6464

Node Walker

import {walk} from '@tbela99/css-parser';

for (const {node, parent, root} of walk(ast)) {
    // do something



  • typ: number
  • val: string, the comment


  • typ: number
  • nam: string, declaration name
  • val: array of tokens


  • typ: number
  • sel: string, css selector
  • chi: array of children


  • typ: number
  • nam: string. AtRule name
  • val: rule prelude


  • typ: number
  • chi: array of children


  • typ: number
  • sel: string, css selector
  • chi: array of children


  • sourcemap generation


  • reduce calc()
  • inline css variables
  • merge identical rules
  • merge adjacent rules
  • minify colors
  • minify numbers and Dimensions tokens
  • compute shorthand: see the list below
  • remove redundant declarations
  • conditionally unwrap :is()
  • automatic css nesting
  • automatically wrap selectors using :is()
  • avoid reparsing (declarations, selectors, at-rule)
  • node and browser versions
  • decode and replace utf-8 escape sequence

Computed shorthands properties

  • all
  • animation
  • background
  • border
  • border-block-end
  • border-block-start
  • border-bottom
  • border-color
  • border-image
  • border-inline-end
  • border-inline-start
  • border-left
  • border-radius
  • border-right
  • border-style
  • border-top
  • border-width
  • column-rule
  • columns
  • container
  • contain-intrinsic-size
  • flex
  • flex-flow
  • font
  • font-synthesis
  • font-variant
  • gap
  • grid
  • grid-area
  • grid-column
  • grid-row
  • grid-template
  • inset
  • list-style
  • margin
  • mask
  • offset
  • outline
  • overflow
  • padding
  • place-content
  • place-items
  • place-self
  • scroll-margin
  • scroll-padding
  • scroll-timeline
  • text-decoration
  • text-emphasis
  • transition


  • flatten @import

Node Transformation

Ast can be transformed using node visitors

Exemple 1: Declaration

the visitor is called for any declaration encountered

import {AstDeclaration, ParserOptions} from "../src/@types";

const options: ParserOptions = {

    visitor: {

        Declaration: (node: AstDeclaration) => {

            if (node.nam == '-webkit-transform') {

                node.nam = 'transform'

const css = `

.foo {
    -webkit-transform: scale(calc(100 * 2/ 15));

console.debug(await transform(css, options));

// .foo{transform:scale(calc(40/3))}

Exemple 2: Declaration

the visitor is called only on 'height' declarations

import {AstDeclaration, LengthToken, ParserOptions} from "../src/@types";
import {EnumToken, EnumToken} from "../src/lib";
import {transform} from "../src/node";

const options: ParserOptions = {

    visitor: {

        Declaration: {

            // called only for height declaration
            height: (node: AstDeclaration): AstDeclaration[] => {

                return [

                        typ: EnumToken.DeclarationNodeType,
                        nam: 'width',
                        val: [
                                typ: EnumToken.Length,
                                val: '3',
                                unit: 'px'

const css = `

.foo {
    height: calc(100px * 2/ 15);
.selector {
color: lch(from peru calc(l * 0.8) calc(c * 0.7) calc(h + 180)) 

console.debug(await transform(css, options));

// .foo{height:calc(40px/3);width:3px}.selector{color:#0880b0}

Exemple 3: At-Rule

the visitor is called on any at-rule

import {AstAtRule, ParserOptions} from "../src/@types";
import {transform} from "../src/node";

const options: ParserOptions = {

    visitor: {

        AtRule: (node: AstAtRule): AstAtRule => {
            if (node.nam == 'media') {

                return {...node, val: 'all'}

const css = `

@media screen {
    .foo {

            height: calc(100px * 2/ 15);    

console.debug(await transform(css, options));

// .foo{height:calc(40px/3)}

Exemple 4: At-Rule

the visitor is called only for at-rule media

import {AstAtRule, ParserOptions} from "../src/@types";
import {transform} from "../src/node";

const options: ParserOptions = {

    visitor: {

        AtRule: {

            media: (node: AstAtRule): AstAtRule => {

                return {...node, val: 'all'}

const css = `

@media screen {
    .foo {

            height: calc(100px * 2/ 15);    

console.debug(await transform(css, options));

// .foo{height:calc(40px/3)}

Exemple 5: Rule

the visitor is called on any Rule

import {AstAtRule, ParserOptions} from "../src/@types";
import {transform} from "../src/node";

const options: ParserOptions = {

    visitor: {

        Rule (node: AstRule): AstRule {

            return {...node, sel: '.foo,.bar,.fubar'};

const css = `

    .foo {

            height: calc(100px * 2/ 15);    

console.debug(await transform(css, options));

// .foo,.bar,.fubar{height:calc(40px/3)}

Exemple 6: Rule

Adding declarations to any rule

import {transform} from "../src/node";
import {AstRule, ParserOptions} from "../src/@types";
import {parseDeclarations} from "../src/lib";

const options: ParserOptions = {

    removeEmpty: false,
    visitor: {

        Rule: async (node: AstRule): Promise<AstRule | null> => {

            if (node.sel == '.foo') {

                node.chi.push(...await parseDeclarations('width: 3px'));
                return node;

            return null;

const css = `

.foo {

console.debug(await transform(css, options));

// .foo{width:3px}

Thanks to Jetbrains for sponsoring this project with a free license