A library let you convert existing XML/HTML/etc. to EFML, which could be used by ef.js.
Since 2.x, this library is avaliable as native ES Module!
# xml2efml requires a vaild `window` with `DOMParser` to work.
# For browser-side, you DO NOT need to care about that; However, for Node.js, you need to.
# We recommend using libraries such as `jsdom`.
npm install xml2efml jsdom
const xml2efml = require('xml2efml');
const { JSDOM } = require('jsdom');
// This is our window
const { window } = new JSDOM('');
const dom1 = xml2efml.xml2efml(`
<subDerp id="1">Alice</subDerp>
<subDerp id="2">Bob</subDerp>
<subDerp id="3" />
`, {
// Spaces used for indent. Example:
// 2 spaces: ' '
// 4 spaces: ' '
// tab: '\t'
// Default: ' '
spaces: ' ',
// Will ignore any empty (or only has blank characters) text node. Default: true
ignoreEmptyTextNode: true,
// The `window` xml2efml uses. Default: `window` in global scope
win: window,
// File type; Accepting any kinds of input `DOMParser` allowed.
// For a list of supported types, see https://w3c.github.io/DOM-Parsing/#the-domparser-interface
type: 'text/xml',
And dom1
will become:
#id = 1
#id = 2
#id = 3
const xml2efml = require('xml2efml');
const { JSDOM } = require('jsdom');
const { window } = new JSDOM('');
const dom2 = xml2efml.htmlSnippet2efml(`
<p>I am a <b>text</b>!</p>This also works now!
<div class="my-class such good mame" data-potato="tasty">
`, {
// This function is very similar to `XML2EFML.xml2efml()` without `type` argument;
// However, this is designed for parsing HTML SNIPPETS only; That means if you input a full HTML,
// `<html>`, `<head>` and `<body>` would be completely ignored.
// For full HTML, please use `XML2EFML.xml2efml()` with `type` set to `text/html` instead.
spaces: ' ',
ignoreEmptyTextNode: true,
win: window,
And dom2
will become:
.I am a
.This also works now!&n
#data-potato = tasty
You can also using xml2efml.dom2efml()
standalone, including the Developer Tools console.
(async () => {
// Load as native ES Module
const { dom2efml } = await import("https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/xml2efml@2/xml2efml.js");
// Returns the converted EFML of any DOMs user specified
console.log(dom2efml(document.querySelector('.nav-menu'), {
spaces: ' ',
ignoreEmptyTextNode: true,
// How many extra indents we should add at beginning of every line?
indentOffset: 0,
You can also get the ef.js AST with these functions:
dom2efml |
dom2ast |
htmlSnippet2efml |
htmlSnippet2ast |
xml2efml |
xml2ast |
All of AST outputing function's usage are exactly same as EFML's, except spaces
and indentOffset
, which is pointless for AST output.
The AST returned from these functions are in the same format as what eft-parser outputs.