A package to help you to build more easily single page applications, using scroll anchors.
- Anchor scrolling
- Menu scroll-spy
- Dynamic anchors
- Scroll snapping
- Keyboard navigation
- Section horizontal scrolling
- Menu horizontal scrolling
- Custom transitions
- Infinite scroll
Template part
<ngx-spa-support [config]="spaConfig">
<a *ngFor="let menuItem of menuItems" [ngxAnchor]="menuItem.link">
{{ menuItem.data["label"] }}
<section [id]="section.link" *ngFor="let section of menuItems">
{{ section | json }}
public spaConfig: NgxSpaSupportConfig = {
menu: <NgxSpaSupportMenuItem[]>[
link: 'mySection1',
active: false,
removable: false,
data: {
label: 'My first section',
link: 'mySection2',
active: true,
removable: true,
data: {
label: 'My second section',
scrollBehavior: 'smooth',
sectionDetectionSize: 250,
scrollOnCreated: true,
scrollSnapping: true,
private spaService: NgxSpaSupportService
) {
.subscribe((menuItems: NgxSpaSupportMenuItem[]) => {
this.menuItems = menuItems;
Style part (SCSS)
* {
clear: both;
box-sizing: border-box;
body {
height: 100%;
body {
margin: 0;
ngx-spa-support {
ngx-spa-support-menu {
position: fixed;
top: 100px;
a.active {
background: blue;
color: #fff;
ngx-spa-support-scrollable {
display: block;
height: 100%;
overflow: auto;
section {
height: 100%;
&:nth-child(1) {
background: #858585;
&:nth-child(2) {
background: #afafaf;
&:nth-child(n + 3) {
background: #dddddd;