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10. Miscellaneous

Jessglynne edited this page Nov 15, 2021 · 1 revision


Copyright is a small section that is displayed at the bottom of each page. You can easily Enable or Disable the bar from the backend, after enabling this section you are open to editing the content of the copyright information bar for your site.

  1. Branding Enable/Disable whether you want to display the copyright bar in the footer or not.
  2. Custom HTML Here you can enter the text that is displayed in the copyright bar using HTML tags.
  3. Module Position Select a suitable module position where you want to display the copyright bar.
  4. Feature Load Position In case there are other modules published at the same position, then choose where you want to load the bar Before Module or After Module.

Tip: Use {year} to get auto-updated year and {sitename} for auto get sitename.

Contact Information

You can display your company’s Phone Number, Address, Email Address and other such contact information fields on your website to provide support to its visitors/users. These fields can also be customized as per your choice like at which position will they be shown on the website.

You can modify this contact information field using the following options:

  • Contact Details: Enable/Disable whether you want to show the contact information on your site or not.
  • Module Position: Select a suitable module position where you want to display this feature.
  • Featured Load position: In case there are other modules published at the same position, then choose where you want to load the details Before Module or After Module.
  • Phone Number: Write the contact number of either your company or the concerned person to be contacted for any support. You can leave it blank if not required.
  • Mobile Number: Write the mobile number of the concerned person to be contacted for any support. You can leave it blank if not required.
  • Email: Add the email address of your company to be contacted for any support. You can leave it blank if not required.
  • Open Hours: Add your office timings on the website. You can leave it blank if not required.
  • Address: Add the office address on your website. You can leave it blank if not required.
  • Display: Here you can choose if you want to display the contact information only as Text or include Icons.
  • Icon Color: Here you can choose the color of the contact information icons.

Coming Soon

You can customize the maintenance mode page of your website when it’s under construction/maintenance.

On enabling the Development mode it will your website to offline mode and a static Coming Soon page will be displayed. You will also be open to options for customizing your Coming Soon page those include:

  1. Logo: Here you can select a logo that will be displayed on the coming soon page, the default template logo is displayed if not selected.
  2. Countdown Date You can set a date for the countdown when your site will be going live.
  3. Social Icons: You can enable/disable whether you want to show the social icons or not. These icons are configured in Social Section.
  4. Content: Enter the description for your website’s coming soon page.
  5. Background Type: You can choose the background of the page from the given options: Color, Image or Video and if you do not want anything to be displayed select None.
  • None: If you don’t want any type of background on your background page then you can leave this option to its default set value None
  • Color: If you want to have background color on your coming soon page then you can set select color as the value and select your preferred color from this option and customize the styling options accordingly.
  • Image: If you want to have a background Image on your coming soon page then you can select an image as the value and select your preferred color from this option and customize the styling options accordingly.
  • Video: If you want to have background Video on your coming soon page then you can set select video as the value and select your preferred video from this option.

Error Page

  1. 404 Page Content: Enter the content that will be displayed on the error page. It has to be within the HTML tags. You can also see what the actual error is by using the already created error code, also the exact error message can be displayed in a similar way using the error message code provided.

  2. Call To Action: This button will be displayed on the error page that will help the user redirect to another working page on the website.

  3. Background Type: You can choose the background of the page from the given options: Color, Image or Video and if you do not want anything to be displayed select None.

  • None: If you don’t want any type of background on your background page then you can leave this option to it’s default set value None

  • Color: If you want to have background color on your coming soon page then you can set select color as the value and select your preferred color from this option and customize the styling options accordingly.

  • Image: If you want to have a background Image on your coming soon page then you can select image as the value and select your preferred color from this option and customize the styling options accordingly.

  • Video: If you want to have background Video on your coming soon page then you can set select video as the value and select your preferred video from this option.

Tip: By Using shortcode for {loadposition xxx} and {loadmoduleid xxx} you can easily publish a module on this page.


This feature allows you to add an icon along with your browser URL link. It is also known as a shortcut icon, website icon, tab icon, URL icon or bookmark icon. You can easily select the icon from your media gallery that will become the favicon for your site.

Tip: It is advisable to apply a size of either 16X16 or 64X64 pixels for the favicon icon.

Astroid Minify JS is breaking my site, what should I do?

If astroid Minification (JS and CSS) feature is breaking your site, please disable the feature and continue using Astroid.

Minification of JS is a highly complex task and we have tried out best to make sure it works in most (if not all) cases. It still however is an experimental feature and something we hope will improve in future versions of astroid.

How to configure Lazy Load Images

Astroid v2.4 now introduces Lazy Loading for Images placed anywhere throughout the website be it any component, page or section anywhere. Its main purpose is to load the images as soon as you scroll down along the page, because downloading media takes more time than the content on a page thus improving user experience.

In Astroid you can find the Lazy Load option under the Miscellaneous tab, just enable it to start lazy loading of the images throughout the website. But you can also make some specific selections as per the requirements:

  1. Selected Images: Add the image names that you wish to include or exclude throughout the website in lazy load. You can add any image format name be it svg, png, jpg or jpeg, each name be separated by the enter button.

  1. Selected Components: Add the component name whose images you want to include/exclude in lazy load like com_content, com_jdbuilder or com_easyblog and similarly others, wherein each name be entered on the next line.

  1. Selected URLs- Here you can add the complete site url specifically whose images you want to include/exclude from lazy load, each be entered in a new line.

  1. Selected Classes Write the class name whose images you specifically want to include/exclude from lazy load here like class =”jdb-layout-1 jdbuilder” and others like so.

How to use Minify JS/CSS/HTML

Along with other super cool features Astroid v2.4 now includes Minification of JS/CSS enabling which you can combine all the JS & CSS files of your website together and make the website loading smoother and faster.

Not just JS & CSS minification you can also minify the HTML files on 2 different levels, which determines where all links to the files are stored.

  1. Minify CSS- Enabling this will combine all the CSS files of your website and load it as combined static content.
  2. Minify JS- Enabling this will combine all the JS files of the website and load it as combined content. You also have the option to write which all js files you wish to exclude in the minification each entered on a new line for eg: .
  3. Minify HTML- Enabling this will determine the level of minification whether Basic (reducing all the whitespaces and line ends to one) or Advanced (reducing all the whitespaces, line ends, comments and undisplayed elements).

How to create a 404 Error Page with Astroid?

Creating a 404 page in Astroid is as easy as it seems to be. All you need to do is follow the below-mentioned steps and you are good to go. This page lets your visitor know the correct way out when they reach a wrong page that either doesn’t exist or has been deleted.

Now to create the page, follow these steps:-

  • Create a new Joomla menu of type URL
  • Add a URL that doesn’t exist.
  • Save & close the settings and it’s done.

To style the page, go to Astroid Template Options > Miscellaneous > 404 Error.