A Discord bot, written in JS, powered by NodeJS.
- Free and open source
- Complete localization in English and German
- 100% customizable
- Slash command handling
- Event listening
- Error and log database
Runtime: NodeJS
Database: sqlite via enmap
"token": "discord bot token",
"owner": "discord user id",
"guild": "discord guild id",
"ticketprefix": "🎫-",
"cooldown_standard": 3,
"locale": "de",
"maintenance": {
"reason": "⚙ Es finden gerade Wartungsarbeiten statt.",
"activityOn": "🛑 Wartungsmodus",
"activityOff": "✅ Wartungen beendet"
"minecraft": {
"ip": "minecraft server domain",
"port": 25565
"links": {
"adminbewerbung": "link for admin application"
"keys": {
"brickset": "brickset api key #1",
"brickset2": "brickset api key #2",
"brickset_username": "bickset api username",
"brickset_password": "brickset api password",
"nasa": "nasa api key",
"pexels": "pexels api key"
"roles": {
"supporter": "discord role id (supporter)",
"moderator": "discord role id (moderator)",
"mutechat": "discord role id (muted chat)",
"mutetalk": "discord role id (muted voice)",
"niceone": "discord role id (nice one)",
"member": "discord role id (default)",
"reactionroles": {
"news": "discord role id (reaction role)",
"botnews": "discord role id (reaction role)",
"minecraft": "discord role id (reaction role)"
"channels": {
"memberchannel": "discord channel id (member count channel)",
"welcomechannel": "discord channel id (welcome messages channel)",
"cmdlogchannel": "discord channel id (command log channel)",
"modlogchannel": "discord channel id (mod log channel)",
"minecraftchannel": "discord channel id (minecraft server ping channel)",
"ruleschannel": "discord channel id (rules channel)",
"nekochannel": "discord channel id (neko command channel)",
"ticketcategory": "discord channel id (category to create tickets in)",
"archivecategory": "discord channel id (category to archive tickets in)"
"colors": {
"default": "#313338",
"error": "#ef5350",
"success": "#66bb6a",
"info": "#42a5f5",
"grey": "#bdbdbd",
"magenta": "#ab47bc",
"purple": "#7e57c2"
"maintenance": false,
"reason": "⚙ Es finden gerade Wartungsarbeiten statt."
"mostPlayers": "0",
"date": "1735837700",
"lastPinged": "1735837700"
"discord": {
"buttonKlicks": 0
Ensure the bot has at least privileges to register slash commands and send messages.
Insert slash command /ping
. Response:
For support, feel free to join my discord server.
- none. Feel free to create an issue.