A metalsmith plugin to add helpers to swig.
At the moment all it does is provide a {{varName|slug}} filter using _.string
Suggestions are welcome, implementing https://www.npmjs.com/package/swig-extras is next.
$ npm install --save git://github.com/madeofpeople/metalsmith-swig-helpers
Install the node modules and then add the metalsmith-swig-helpers
key to your metalsmith.json
plugins before your metalsmith-templates call.
"plugins": {
"metalsmith-swig-helpers: {},
"metalsmith-templates": "swig"
For the simplest use case, just pass your templating engine:
var swigHelpers = require('metalsmith-swig-helpers');
var templates = require('metalsmith-templates');
Add your own filters dynamically with either a function, or a require() string.
var swigHelpers = require('metalsmith-swig-helpers');
var templates = require('metalsmith-templates');
filters: {
// Append a ! at the end of the given content.
// {{ title|exclamation }}
"exclamation": function(content) {
return content + "!"
// Encryption filter
// {{ title|xorcrypt }}
"xorcrypt": "xor-crypt" // Does a require() on "xor-crypt"