A multiplayer volatile raw chess board updating in real time. Uses React Native and SocketIO.
Basically the most “Manual” online chess yet.
- Android builds are in releases
- The web app isn't hosted anywhere yet, running locally is your only call.
- Didn't develop for iOS, so probably won't run
The app runs with two instances. A server and a client.
The root folder is the server, clone this repo and do:
node index.js
The React Native frontend is located in /frontend
. It's made with expo, so to build for Android or similar, refer to expo docs.
To run the app:
cd frontend
npm run web
# Or for Android:
npm run android
To make the client able to connect to the socket server, make sure to update the SocketIO IP address in /frontend/assets/scripts/Socket.js
import { io } from 'socket.io-client';
const socketUrl = "http://[SERVER-IP]:4000/"
Please don't. This is my solo project, let me have my fun.