For Gatsby v5
(see previous releases for Gatsby v2, v3 & v4)
Integrate mixpanel on your gatsby project
npm install --save gatsby-plugin-mixpanel
or yarn add gatsby-plugin-mixpanel
Add the plugin in your gatsby-config.js and set your mixpanel api token
plugins: [
resolve: 'gatsby-plugin-mixpanel',
options: {
apiToken: 'YOUR_MIXPANEL_API_TOKEN', // required
You can access to mixpanel library in the props of your component by using the function withMixpanel
available in the plugin
import { withMixpanel } from 'gatsby-plugin-mixpanel'
class HelloWorld extends Component {
componentDidMount() {
const { mixpanel } = this.props
mixpanel.track('Hello'); // send event 'Hello' to mixpanel
render() {/*...*/}
export default withMixpanel()(HelloWorld)
// or with decorators if your project supports
class HelloWorld extends Component {
Your project must have a version of react that supports react-hooks.
Import the useMixpanel
import { useMixpanel } from 'gatsby-plugin-mixpanel'
function HelloWorld() {
const mixpanel = useMixpanel()
return (
<button onClick={() => mixpanel.track('Hello button') }>Hello</button>
The plugin is configurable, here are the configs by default.
plugins: [
resolve: 'gatsby-plugin-mixpanel',
options: {
apiToken: 'YOUR_MIXPANEL_API_TOKEN', // required
// optional fields, default values
enableOnDevMode: true, // if false mixpanel will be activated on NODE_ENV=production only
mixpanelConfig: null, // override specific config for mixpanel initialization
pageViews: null, // see below
// set pageViews to 'all' and use this option to set the same event name for all page view events
trackPageViewsAs: null, // optionally: set an Event Name to use for all page views, eg: trackPageViewsAs: 'Page view'
getPageViewTransformerFn: null, // optionally: function body as a string to customize the event sent to mixpanel. Receives one parameter: location. Example 'return () => ({url: location.pathname})'
The pageViews param is null by default, if you want to autotrack some page you can declare an object url path and events that will be send on mixpanel. Or if you want to track every route changes set pageViews to 'all'.
plugins: [
resolve: 'gatsby-plugin-mixpanel',
options: {
pageViews: {
'/blog': 'Page blog view', // an event 'Page blog view' will be send to mixpanel on every visit on the /blog page
'/404': 'Page 404 view',
mixpanelConfig: null, // you can override default config for mixpanel library
pageViews: 'all' // to track every route changes
Enjoy this little plugin and feel free to contribute 😃